April’s Lakeland Chamber Luncheon
by Wesley Wright
The Lakeland Golf Club played host to another well-attended luncheon for the April Chamber meeting. On the fourth Wednesday of every month...
Lakeland Looking To Replace Old Hotel With A YMCA
by Matt Wright
Lakeland may soon be welcoming a new YMCA location to the city. The YMCA of the Mid-South has expressed interest in partnering...
Lakeland Residents Asked To Help Covington Recover
The City of Lakeland is asking residents to provide donations for the recently impacted tornado victims in Covington. According to reports the F-3 tornado...
BOC Working To Address The Crime in Shelby County
Last week, Commissioner Michele Dial sponsored a resolution that garnered unanimous support from the other members of the Lakeland Board of Commissioners (BOC). The...
Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti Speaks To Lakeland Lions Club
by Alan Larrabee
The Lakeland Lions Club was honored when Tennessee State Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti came to speak and share dinner with us at...
LPS Band Festival Spotlight Concert Tonight
by Wesley Wright
Lakeland Prep Orchestra Booster Club President
The LPS Band Concert is this Tuesday, February 21st at 7:00 PM in the LPS Auditorium. The...
Comprehensive Development Plan Scheduled For Tuesday. Public Is Invited.
Lakeland's Comprehensive Plan (called PULSE) is a collection of documents designed to guide current and future development. This current visioning mechanism is underway and...
Congressman David Kustoff Visits Lakeland City Hall
On Monday, January 23, 2023, US Representative David Kustoff stopped by Lakeland City Hall to meet with Mayor Josh Roman and City Manager Michael...