Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti Speaks To Lakeland Lions Club
by Alan Larrabee
The Lakeland Lions Club was honored when Tennessee State Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti came to speak and share dinner with us at...
Comprehensive Development Plan Scheduled For Tuesday. Public Is Invited.
Lakeland's Comprehensive Plan (called PULSE) is a collection of documents designed to guide current and future development. This current visioning mechanism is underway and...
Congressman David Kustoff Visits Lakeland City Hall
On Monday, January 23, 2023, US Representative David Kustoff stopped by Lakeland City Hall to meet with Mayor Josh Roman and City Manager Michael...
January BOC Regular Meeting Recap
Each regular meeting for the Lakeland Board of Commissioners (BOC) normally includes a Treasurers Report, as well as Sheriff’s reports and a city manager...
New Vice-Mayor and Board Appointees Chosen at Board of Commissioners Meeting
Among the many agenda items at the Board of Commissioners Meeting last night, January 12, 2023, was the selection of Vice-Mayor and liaisons for...
Update On TDOT Projects In The Area
Special update from Commissioner Wesley Wright
Plans for widening I-40 to 385 and the complete overhaul of the Hwy 64 exit has been given a...
Board Of Commissioners Planning Retreat Recap
Special to Lakeland Currents
by Wesley Wright
Lakeland’s future had made huge strides in the right direction these last 5 plus years but the roadmap has...