Home LMPS West TN Band & Orchestra Association Concert Festival

West TN Band & Orchestra Association Concert Festival

While most LMPS students are spending the first week of March eagerly awaiting Spring Break, band and orchestra students are hard at work preparing for formal introduction in stage performance and sight reading at the annual Concert Festival sponsored by the West Tennessee Band & Orchestra Association (WTSBOA.) Thirty-two middle school bands will perform at Colonial Middle School in Memphis on March 6 & 7, while 25 middle school orchestras will perform at Cordova High School on March 6-8.  A panel of four professional musicians will offer constructive comments to all ensembles and assign the performances a rating of I, II, III, IV, or V, based on the quality of preparation and performance.  A score of I means “Superior”; a score of II means “Excellent”; and a score of III means “Good”.  These three ratings signify that a band or orchestra is achieving at grade level or beyond.

The LMPS Concert Band takes the stage at Colonial on March 7 at 2:40 p.m.  The LMPS Performing Orchestra will play at 11:05 a.m. on March 8 at Cordova High.  Performances are free and open to the public.