The aggressively pruned trees at the Mobil gas station, 3665 Canada Rd, have been removed.
Photos taken today (2.10.18) show the “trimmed” mature trees are no longer standing on the north side of the gas station.

Owners Anis Kapadia and Nizar Lalani appeared before the Lakeland Beer Board Thursday night (2.8.18) for a possible suspension or revocation of their beer permit because of the “tree toping” and another code violation.
They were cited for their exterior lighting which is not in compliance with City code. And tree-topping is not permitted by City code.
Instead of suspending or revoking their license along with a fine, the men were told to remove the trees immediately and replace them quickly. In addition, they were given the following timeline:
- Stone work on the exterior columns to start Monday
- A landscaping plan goes to the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) Feb. 15.
- A lighting plan to the MPC Mar. 15
- Lights installed Apr. 15
- If deadlines are not met, the Beer Board will meet again to consider action on the beer permit.
Meanwhile at Long Landing on Seed Tick Road, felled tree debris still covers the platted open space. Mike Long was before the BOC Thursday about his unpermitted tree removal. At the suggestion of a tree arborist hired by the City, Mr. Long was fined and given a plan to replace the trees at a cost of $6,000. Commissioner Wesley Wright noted that replacement trees at both locations should be done quickly before spring and summer heat could kill new trees.

… Photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents