Fishing Rodeo:  Lots of Children, Fish and Even Some Sun

The sun peeked on the Annual Fishing Rodeo momentarily this morning (5.20.17) as scores of children dropped their hooks into IH Lake to catch...

New Video to Publicize the Good News About Lakeland

By year’s end, there should be a promotional video about Lakeland, its citizens, its schools, its activities and its features which make it a...

City Fetes I-40 Workers With Lunch

The City of Lakeland treated I-40 interstate workers today with a food truck and visits from the Mayor and Board of Commissioners (BOC). The “Worker...

Perfect Spring Weather for Tour de Lakeland, Spring Festival

Cyclists filled IH Park this morning (5.12.17) for the second annual Tour de Lakeland and Spring Festival under warm, sunny skies. The bike-riding event was...

BOC May Meeting: Here Comes a Tax DECREASE

Decrease is correct.  Lakeland property taxes are coming down. Not going up.  Not staying the same, but coming down. Unlike other municipalities which are raising...

Early Vote Numbers in Lakeland for BOC position

Totals to date in the early vote race for one Board of Commissioners (BOC) slot are 310 voters. Thirty-four people voted yesterday (5.18.17).  This information is...

Economic Development Commission (EDC) April Meeting

By Alan Johnson, EDC vice chair EDC members met April 27 at City Hall. Running Pony will begin shooting footage for the Lakeland promotional video at...

Special Election: Early Vote Begins Tomorrow (5.5.17)

Early voting for the special election in Lakeland begins tomorrow (5.5.17) to replace Michele Dial who resigned in March. Three candidates are vying for the...