Second LAMP Concert in the books

“Memphis Funk N Horns” was the featured band for the second LAMP concert Saturday night 6.23.18) at IH Park. The family-friendly event is part of...

#2 in LAMP Concert Series is this Saturday night in Lakeland

“Memphis Funk N Horns” will play for the second of five Lakeland outdoor free concerts  Saturday (6.23.18) from 7-10 p.m. The location is the outdoor...

Lakeland is feature of display in Shelby County Admin Building -Watch video

The display of Lakeland’s past, present and future was officially presented in downtown Memphis yesterday (6.11.18) at a reception for Lakeland and Shelby County...

Reminder: Summer Camp registration still open

Wendi Haley, recreation program supervisor for the City of Lakeland, says there is still time to register for summer caps. See flyers for specifics.    ...

Shelby County Real Estate Road Show is this month

Your Shelby County government owns thousands of properties for tax sale purchase --- raw land as well as commercial, inudstrial and residential properties. Attend the...

Lakeland is “on display” downtown through August

The City of Lakeland is featured in a Shelby County historical display downtown now through mid-August. Kim Odom, special events coordinator for the City, was...

Balmy temps, large crowd for first 2018 LAMP Concert

Hundreds flocked to the first LAMP Concert last night (6.2.18) in the IH Park Amphitheater. The inaugural concert for the 2018 season featured the band...

2018 LAMP Concert Series kicks off this Saturday

Live music at The LAMP kicks off the 2018 season Saturday (6.2.18) featuring local band Thump Daddy at the 65-acre IH Park, 4523 Canada...