Economic Development Commission (EDC) March 22 meeting

By Alan Johnson, EDC Board member Jim Atkinson, Lakeland city manager, Wil Ashworth, Lakeland Chamber of Commerce president and Brittney Buchanan, Chamber executive director met...

No more Motel 6, except …

The Motel 6 at 9822 Huff N Puff Rd in Lakeland is apparently a thing of the past. But not so fast. A Motel 6 spokesperson,...

KTnB Director was featured speaker at Chamber today

The Executive Director of Keep Tennessee Beautiful (KTnB) was the guest speaker at the March Lakeland Chamber of Commerce luncheon today (3.28.18) at Stonebridge...

Municipal Planning Commission March meeting

By Carl Helton, MPC/DRC Board member The Motel 6 and Mobil gas station were on the March 15 MPC/DRC (Municipal Planning Commission/Design Review Commission) agenda...

Take a peek at The Lake District in Lakeland

The Lake District (TLD) was introduced to attendees at a “sneak preview” tour this morning (3.24.18) in an area that will become the upscale...

BOC talks trees, violations and making the City better

It could have been the Lorax, speaking for the trees at the BOC (Board of Commissioners) special meeting tonight (3.22.18) at City Hall. “I am...

Thursday night (3.22.18): Public hearing for Beer Board, Followed by BOC Special

There will be a special meeting of the Beer Board and public hearing at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow (3.22.18) at City Hall. The hearing, discussion and...

Come inside “The Stock Market” at TLD

The first tenant to be announced for The Lake District (TLD) promises fresh, friendly and competitive. But what exactly might you find when you shop...