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LSB Business Meeting: Quick Work on Agenda

The Lakeland School Board (LSB) met in regular session tonight (12.11.17) and sailed through items on the agenda. Link to the agenda: https://lakelandk12.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/12.11.17-Business-Meeting-Agenda.pdf After approving the...

LMPS Choir Packs the Cafetorium for Holiday Program

The voices of sixth through eighth graders filled the Cafetorium at LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School) tonight (12.11.17) for “December Nights, December Lights.” The first...

Sewage Problem Handled by City Today (12.10.17)

A sewage overflow on Hadley Drive in Plantation Hills was being repaired by City of Lakeland workers early afternoon today. City Manager Jim Atkinson told...

Lawsuit Filed Against City, IDB by Lakeland Residents

A Lakeland couple has filed suit seeking to block the sale of bonds to finance a high school wing at Lakeland Middle Preparatory School. ...

Atypical “Ride” for Santa Tonight

It wasn’t your typical Santa arrival at IH Clubhouse tonight (12.8.17). Old St. Nick came to the Lakeland Christmas Festival in his yellow C7 Corvette...

High Credit Rating Given to City for Bonds Issuance

Lakeland has received a top rating from Moody’s Investors Service related to the bonds issuance for the high school project. In a release published yesterday...

Sports News from City of Lakeland

Spring 2018 Soccer Registration Little Superstar Soccer Spring 2018 Soccer Registration is underway with the season starting March 2018. International Futbol Association and the City of...

New Video:  Might Make You Proud to Live in Lakeland

It features the lakes of course.  A now annual bicycle ride.  Neighborhoods. Sports. Nature. “Come Discover Lakeland” www.comediscoverlakeland.com is a newly produced two+ minute video highlighting...