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Alpine Academy: Providing Positive Outcomes for Teenagers

Alpine Academy Utah Complaints

Alpine Academy Utah Therapeutic School is an industry-leading learning environment ranking in the top 1% of Cognia-accredited schools. With licensed residential staff and dual-endorsed teachers skilled in both their content area and special education, they provide an evidence-based approach to changing the lives of teenagers aged 12 to 18 living through challenging circumstances.

Situated just half an hour from downtown Salt Lake City, Alpine Academy Utah reviews its stunning campuses present the perfect setting for students to achieve their preferred outcomes.

The Typical Student Attending Alpine Academy

The school accepts students between the ages of 12 and 18 (i.e., 7th grade through to 12th grade), and the staff simply excel at turning difficult situations into positive outcomes — both academically and holistically.

All Alpine Academy Utah student populations have various therapeutic needs. However, their specific well-being requirements vary depending on their circumstances and particular sensitivities.

Personalized Therapy Geared Towards Overall Health and Wellbeing

From finding it hard to form relationships with family or friends to misusing technology to personality disorders, the staff at Alpine Academy Utah are dedicated to softening the psychological and physical symptoms of such conditions.

Attendees face challenging symptoms associated with at least one of the following:

  • Anxiety — Obsessive-compulsive tendencies, generalized anxiety, social phobias, and disordered eating behaviors
  • Depression — Mood and bipolar disorders
  • Traumas — Post-traumatic stress disorder from childhood neglect or abuse, significant loss and grief, or sexual or physical abuse
  • Relationship issues — Attachment disorders
  • Social skill, self-regulation, and attention deficits — ADD, ADHD, ASD, executive functioning needs, and spectrum-like charactistics
  • Personality disorders — Borderline, narcissistic, and histrionic disorders
  • Poor self-esteem — Low resilience
  • Technology misuse — Gaming, social media, and internet

Alpine Academy Utah reviews

Improving Behavior Through Experienced Teaching and Residential Helpers

Staff working closely with the students notice that such conditions often manifest in unhealthy coping mechanisms or different behaviors.

With this firmly in the forefront of their minds, they work tirelessly to provide their students with healthier ways to deal with their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

As per Alpine Academy Utah complaints analysis, their pupils tend to display these behaviors:

  • Withdrawing and isolating from friends and family
  • No longer enjoying activities they previously enjoyed
  • Having trouble maintaining positive relationships with their peers
  • Experimenting with or abusing substances
  • Avoiding or refusing to go to school
  • Defying authority and unwilling to follow instructions
  • Self-harming
  • Performing risky sexual activities
  • Obsessing or becoming addicted to their cellphones or the internet
  • Declining academic performance
  • Frequently communicating dishonestly
  • Idolizing suicide or making suicidal gestures
  • Leaving home without permission for long durations

While tackling the students’ unhealthy coping mechanisms, behaviors, and symptoms shouldn’t be taken lightly, the school’s evidence-based approach has seen terrific positive outcomes for pupils and their families.

How Alpine Academy Utah Improves Students’ and Their Families’ Lives

And with an academy focused on evidence, there’s no shortage of statistics collated to prove just how effective their methods are.

Every aspect proves positive, from their scientifically accredited Y-OQ or Youth Outcome Questionnaire to parent feedback to academics to student success.

The Youth Outcome Questionnaire (Y-OQ)

When students begin treatment, their parents take the Y-OQ, a globally respected survey. When the pupils leave, they take the same survey. By comparing both time points, the staff confirms the statistical behavior change from intake to discharge.

On average, pupils see a 52-point drop in their overall Y-OQ score, which details across-the-board behavioral dysfunction.

But how considerable is the decrease? Well, it’s over four times the necessary score for a clinically significant impact!

Other clinical improvements include a 20-point drop in depression and anxiety, an 11-point decrease in relationship issues, and a 12-point decrease in attention problems.

Parent Feedback

When providing feedback on the academy’s therapists, a whopping 98% of parents were satisfied their child’s therapeutic needs were accurately addressed and met.

But even more impressive is the 99% of parents who were delighted that the school’s family teachers were effectively helping their children.


It’s clear that students move leaps and bounds in math computation and reading comprehension. In the latter, they moved from the 51st percentile to the 62nd, and in the former, they traveled from the 38th to the 51st percentile.

Typically, pupils have a GPA of 3.07 when entering Alpine Academy but leave with an average of 3.36.

Student Success

Upon grading, students gave Alpine As across the board!

93% are happy their therapist understands their treatment needs, and a massive 98% are satisfied that their family teachers care about them, and their educators are prepared each day.