If you have driven down Memphis Arlington Rd the last month you might have noticed a gravel road that has been cut into the future site of an athletic complex. The site, at 9661 Memphis Arlington Rd, has been under the planning process for a number of years. The property is owned by the city and is approximately 100 acres in size. The athletic parks project is still being vetted due to a resident complaint and additional wetlands not disclosed in the original survey.
According to officials though, the gravel road has nothing to do with the future athletic park, rather, it’s simply a temporary road to access existing sewer lines.
Emily Harrell, City Engineer for Lakeland, confirmed it’s simply a road for city crews to access the sewer line. “Yes, it is an access road for the sewer line that runs through the back of the park property,” Mrs. Harrell said. “It’s for the existing Scotts Creek interceptor sewer line. There are a number of streams that we are unable to cross to maintain the line.”
Final approval on the Memphis Arlington athletics park and bidding on the project is expected to take place later this year.