Home Business Town Hall and BOC tomorrow night at City Hall

Town Hall and BOC tomorrow night at City Hall

There will be a Town Hall at 5 p.m. tomorrow (11.8.18) at City Hall followed by a BOC (Board of Commissioners) meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Link to agenda:  https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/799

During the meeting, there will be a public hearing and final reading to amend the fee schedule for development fees to include multi-family units.

Resolutions pertaining to The Lake District (TLD):  Approve a concept sanitary sewer plan for TLD; Approve a Preliminary Development Plan for TLD.

There is an ordinance and first reading to amend the Fiscal Year 18-19 budget regarding a City match for an EDGE (Economic Development Growth Engine) grant for the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce.

The Mayor is to be authorized to execute a contract with Team Waste Memphis, LLC for municipal solid waste collection and disposal services.

A new member is to be selected by the BOC for the Parks and Recreation/Natural Resources Board.