Home Local News Tough first day on the job

Tough first day on the job

The driver of an 18-wheeler learned the hard way Friday afternoon not to trust your GPS when it tells you to go east on Beverle Rivera Drive from Canada Road and past the tennis courts to find a gas station.


Once he saw the S-curve ahead, the driver decided he wasn’t headed anywhere he wanted to be and attempted a U-turn.

The turn failed when the wheels on the passenger side of his truck bogged down to the hubs in the mud between the curb and the sidewalk, leaving his trailer blocking westbound traffic during the afternoon rush to Lakeland Elementary School on Seek Tick Road.

The driver lamented it was his first day on the job.

The City was alerted to the incident and a staff member was sent to document any damage to City property.

… Photos buy Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents.