Home Board Members Two City meetings this week: BOC and IDB

Two City meetings this week: BOC and IDB

The BOC (Board of Commissioners) will have a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday (12.19.18) at City Hall to discuss funding for a high school in Lakeland as well as four resolutions.

Lakeland students attend Arlington High School through an interlocal between the two cities until a high school is built in the City.  Students in grades P-K-4 are served at Lakeland Elementary School. Those in grades 5-8 attend Lakeland Middle Preparatory School.

During the recent municipal election (Nov. 6th) the topic of adding a high school wing to the middle school was a frequent subject of conversation on social media sites and at three community forums.

Link to BOC agenda: https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/805

Resolutions include accepting an audit report for Fiscal Year ending June 30 and appointing a BOC liaison to the Municipal Planning Commission/Design Review Commission (MPC/DRC).

The MPC/DRC is cancelled for Thursday (12.20.18) at City Hall. The next meeting will be Jan. 17, according to an announcement from City Hall.

Serving members of the MPC/DRC have been notified they are no longer on the volunteer Board.  The sitting Mayor has the authority to select members of this Board. Mike Cunningham was elected Mayor Nov. 6th, replacing Wyatt Bunker who served until Dec. 6.

In a letter to MPC/DRC members, the Mayor said, “I am committed to leading the City of Lakeland Municipal Planning Commission, as such, effective immediately, I will be compiling a new MPC to partner with me moving forward as permitted under Lakeland MPC By-Laws and Tennessee Code 13-4-101.”

The IDB (Industrial Development Board) will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday at City Hall.  It was originally scheduled for 6:30 p.m.

Link to agenda: https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/807

Action is expected on a resolution relating to Lakeland Commons, a new development at the southwest corner of U.S. Highway 70 and Seed Tick Road.  To be discussed is approval of the form of the development and financing agreement between the Board and Lakeland Commons, LP.

The City will be closed for Christmas holidays Dec. 24, 25 including the Lakeland Senior Center and City Hall.