Home Lakeland Schools Several Key Updates Discussed At November Lakeland School Board Meeting

Several Key Updates Discussed At November Lakeland School Board Meeting

At the November Lakeland School Board meeting a variety of significant updates were discussed by board members, highlighting substantial progress on the Lakeland Prep campus as well as plans for a new central office.

Anticipated developments for Lakeland schools include the imminent completion of Annex Road on the Lakeland Prep campus, additional parking facilities, and a new walking path. This infrastructure enhancement aims to streamline transportation for sports activities and alleviate parking concerns during city and school events, offering a more efficient experience for students, parents, and sporting event attendees. The extension of Campus Drive is also set to start construction soon with a hopeful target of completion by spring of 2024.

The solicitation of bids for the brand-new central office which will be located on the southern portion of the new Lakeland Meadows Property has officially begun. However, the projected timeline suggests that the construction may extend into late 2024, with the possibility of further delays pushing the opening to 2025. Additionally, twenty-four teachers have been granted tenure, and a reception honoring them is scheduled before the December work session.

In an effort to drive more revenue for the school system, a sponsorship committee is actively crafting packages for larger business sponsorships, with the goal of implementation by the 2024/2025 school year. This initiative encompasses opportunities such as stadium naming and digital scoreboard sponsorships, reflecting a strategic approach to bolstering support for the Lakeland School system.