Home Board Members September IDB/EDC meetings: Lakeland Commons, Aldi, residential construction

September IDB/EDC meetings: Lakeland Commons, Aldi, residential construction

Lakeland Commons retail rendering

By Alan Johnson, Board Member

Alan Johnson


The monthly meeting Tuesday (9.24.19) began with the Industrial Development Board (IDB).  The first topic of discussion was the approval of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) draw request from the Lakeland Commons development project at the corner of U.S. Highway 70 and Seed Tick Road.  The Board, along with their Attorney Al Bright, Jr., went through the elements submitted and approved the request after some minor clarifications.

Lakeland Commons is a planned development on 42 acres at 9768 U.S. Highway 70 and the southwest corner of Seed Tick Road.  Apartments, townhomes, retail, clubhouse and a community pool are planned for the $48.9 million project with Phase 1 vertical construction expected to last 16-18 months after site development, which started in August and is to take four to six months.

Next, the Board discussed the development’s impact on traffic in that area and the impending need for a traffic light at Highway 70 and Seed Tick.  Current plans approved by TDOT involve the addition of a traffic light and turn lane during phase two of the project.  With other projects being approved and proposed along Highway 70 and with the increase in accidents in that area, it was suggested that there may be a need for the traffic light and turn lane to be moved into phase one of the project.  Since the costs were included in the project scope and would be an approved TIF infrastructure expense, the team discussed the processes needed to expedite the addition of the two improvements.  It was determined that the current barrier was the fact that TDOT must approve a Warrant for the improvements and that current traffic patterns did not meet Warrant requirements.  The Board’s consensus was that they would prefer the improvements be made before they were needed rather than after they were needed.   It was suggested that the City look into conducting a forward-looking traffic study to assess and project traffic counts and to submit those projections along with a request to Warrant the improvement during phase one of the project.

In conclusion, the Board discussed the Real Estate Purchase Agreement between the IDB and Aldi Inc. The agreement was regarding the 2.67 acres on U.S. Highway 64 between McDonalds and Krystal that was previously donated to the IDB by Doug Windham and HSI Properties, LLC.  The agreement states that Aldi Inc. will be buying the property from the IDB for a sum of $10.  Also of note was a covenant ensuring Aldi’s construction within three years and an agreement to operate the Aldi business for a minimum of five years.  Other restrictions and covenants were included in the document to mitigate any risks to the City and to ensure the success of the project. Aldi is expecting to have the grocery store open in late 2020 or early 2021.


The meeting of the Economic Development Commission (EDC) began with an update of planning and development by Shane Horn, city manager.  Grading and site work, including the retention pond, has begun at Lakeland Commons, and site work continues at The Lake District.  The majority of sewer work for The Lake District project has been completed and the Construction Plans for phase 1 have been approved.

Shane Horn

In residential construction, Lake Meadows is finalizing plans for phase 1, which will include 33 single family homes and Oakwood Grove is finalizing plans for phase 3 and 4, which will include a total of 57 single family homes.

The Commercial Development Task Force had its third meeting Wednesday (9.25.19) to discuss development codes, processes and long-term plans.  The meetings have been going very well and progress is being made toward a more growth-friendly and more efficient development environment in Lakeland.

Next, Brittney Buchannan

Brittney Buchanan

gave an update from the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce.  Mayor Mike Cunningham spoke at the Chamber luncheon Wednesday and shared good news about the future of Lakeland and performance of the school system.  It was the largest Chamber luncheon to date.  The Annual Golf Tournament is Monday (9.30.19) at Stonebridge Golf Club.  Spots are still available and all proceeds will be split between the two Lakeland schools.  Discussions are continuing with MLGW to have the City of Lakeland logo painted on the water tower when it is repainted, likely in spring of 2020.  The Chamber has offered to provide some of their Edge Grant funds for the edition of the logo.  Brittney and her team have also been working diligently with the Shelby County Chamber Alliance to produce a new website www.shelbychamberallince.org.  The new website features Lakeland and an impressive video highlighting the local municipalities and the 385 Corridor.

Board member Alan Johnson led a quick discussion on Lakeland marketing initiatives.  A professional branded sales program is being developed with Lakeland’s demographics information, site availability, and other pertinent information.  The program along with other materials will be mailed and/or given to prospective business and developers.  Mr. Horn and his team have begun the update on lakelandtn.gov website and the Lakeland Chamber’s new website is live and currently adding content and functionality.  Work needs to be done on the comediscoverlakeland.com website to add content and employ SEO tactics.  Discussion also took place about what information each of the websites should host and how they should link together for a cohesive and logical presentation.

New business included conversations about the upcoming U.S. Census and its importance to Lakeland.  It was decided that a Complete Count Committee will be developed to raise awareness of and participation in the census.   An accurate census is critical in meeting certain demographic hurdles for economic development, as well as acquiring government funding.

Next, Commissioner Wesley Wright

Commissioner Wesley Wright

led a discussion regarding the need for formal marketing tactics to promote the exceptional performance of the Lakeland School System and the upcoming addition of a premier high school.  Several ideas were discussed to raise awareness of the success and future of the school system and will be communicated with the Lakeland Marketing Committee.  Edge Grant funds are still available to subsidize the efforts and the possibility of utilizing general marketing funds from the City budget was introduced.  Commissioner Wright also verbalized a need for online and other marketing efforts to retain consistent branding and employ cohesive messaging.  Commissioner Richard Gonzales Jr.  reminded the Board that any language regarding the school system should be given to Ted Horrell for approval and proper verbiage.

One new item was added to the agenda.  Public concern had been expressed regarding a $20,000 check that was supposed to have been submitted by Gilad Development for legal expenses created by the TIF processing for The Lake District.

Phase 1 retail rendering for The Lake District

Mr. Horn presented a packet of information to the Board showing the accounting for all funds in the EDC bank account and the deposit of the $20,000 check into the General Funds account of the City of Lakeland.  Check 6961 for $20,000 from Gilad Development had been deposited by the City on Sept. 8, 2017 and assigned to the General Fund account, since the legal expenses had been paid from that account.  Mr. Horn ensured that all of the funds for reimbursement of legal fees had been paid as proposed and had been added to the same account from which they had been paid.   The packet also showed that two deposits, each for $5,000, had been deposited into the EDC account for payment of the TIF applications for The Lake District and Lakeland Commons.  $10,000 remains as the total in the EDC bank account.

The Lake District is an upscale 160-acre mixed-use community planned around a 10-acre lake and waterways at I-40 and Canada Road in Lakeland. Included in the project are five districts including inline retail, main street, hotels, pad sites and offices and residential. The first phase is scheduled to open for the 2020 holidays.

Links to both agendas:    https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/876
