Home Local News SCHD Releases Health Directive No. 11 and Face Mask Directive No. 2

SCHD Releases Health Directive No. 11 and Face Mask Directive No. 2

Monday (August 24) the Shelby County Health Department (SCHD) issued Health Directive No. 11 and Face Mask Directive No. 2.  According to Joan Carr, Public Information Officer for SCHD, the substantive changes include:

Health Directive No. 11

  1. Clarifies that included with limited service restaurants and other similar establishments, “beer pubs and wine bars” are also currently closed.
  2. Provides more detail on school obligations on report confirmed COVID-19 cases.
  3. Provides further information on Department access to nursing homes, testing at nursing homes, and notice requirements to residents and their representatives.
  4. Clarifies that 12-foot distancing at indoor sporting facilities/venues is required, not 18-feet.

Face Mask Directive No. 2

  1. Clarifies that, for purposes of countywide consistency, any local orders, ordinances, or regulations are void only to the extent that they are less restrictive than the Face Mask Directive.
  2. Clarifies that, consistent with CDC guidance, the exemption for children age 2 and under (not 12 years and under) and further clarifies that “age 2” means any child that has not reached their third birthday.
  3. Clarifies the exemption for not wearing masks while eating or drinking in public at a restaurant, bar, or other food or beverage establishment to nevertheless require that patrons must wear face coverings when they move about the establishment (e.g., to go to their table, to go to the restroom, or to leave the establishment).

The Face Mask Directive also removes the following exemption:

Within educational institutions, public and private K-12 schools, private colleges and universities, trade schools, post-secondary, and technical colleges, provided K-12 schools comply with the conditions set forth in prior and future Directives issued by the Department.

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