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Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Plan Update

The new city athletic park located on Memphis Arlington Rd. File Photo.

At the Economic Development Council (EDC) meeting Thursday evening, city staff shared an update about the parks and recreation plan currently in development.

City Manager Shane Horn told EDC members this was an important part of what his staff is currently working on. Mr. Horn said he believes it impacts economic development because businesses and families both look at what a city can offer for recreation. “Businesses are looking for quality of life (for their employees). We feel like this makes an impact,” Mr. Horn said.

Parks and Recreation Director Pat O’Mara also spoke to the board. He said the previous master plan was done in 2009. However, Lakeland’s population was only 8,000 people at that time. Lakeland is approximately 14,000 according to the latest census numbers. City officials pointed out the new plan will act as a roadmap for the next 10 years and it will take into consideration additional growth Lakeland will experience.

The new comprehensive plan is necessary for a variety of financial reasons as well. Specifically, a new plan is needed to continue applying for grants. Grants have played an important part of parks and recreation budgets in the past and it’s important that continues. “To apply for grants now, your master plan can not be older than 5 years old,” he said. He added the new plan should be complete later this year which will allow the city to continue looking for those important grants. “We should be done (with the new plan) in time for the next round of grants.”

A slide showing input from the community about their desires for future growth and expansion.

Mr. O’Mara finished with an overview of what the community has shown an interest in seeing in Lakeland. That feedback has been gathered through surveys as well as public input meetings. Some of the highlights Mr. O’Mara pointed out is a desire for a community center in Lakeland, possibly with an aquatic center, as well as expansion of team sports like baseball and softball.  

The expansion of facilities for city sports will be critical according to Mr. O’Mara, since many of the facilities currently being used for recreation sports will be overtaken by the school system in the coming years as the high school is added. The city and schools currently have an agreement to share facilities for sports like basketball, soccer, and football. He stressed that while they have a great relationship with the schools for those facilities, with the new high school coming online this August it will get harder to have access to that space.

For residents that have not had the opportunity to offer their input, they can take an online survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/lakelandparksmp