Home Lakeland Schools LSS announces free meals to children starting Monday

LSS announces free meals to children starting Monday

Beginning Monday, (3.23.29), the Lakeland School System (LSS) will provide free meals to children under 18 during the school closure for COVID-19.

Dr. Ted Horrell, LSS superintendent, said today (3.18.20) a drive-through service only will be open from 10:30 a.m. to noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday, starting March 23rd, at Colonial Estates Apartments, 2600 Colonial Towers Drive in Cordova.

To receive the meals, everyone must remain in the vehicle and children must be present in the vehicle to be served.  All children are eligible regardless of where they live or what school district they serve.

He said LSS will provide free individually bagged meals which will be prepared and staffed by LSS.  According to Dr. Horrell, USDA guidelines will not allow meal distribution in Lakeland. The Cordova site was the nearest eligible area.


He said breakfast and lunch meals which follow the guidelines of the USDA National School Lunch Program and the USDA School Breakfast Program will be provided.  A typical lunch, he said, might include a sandwich, serving of fruit, a vegetable and milk.

The School System is closed this week for spring break.  Along with other municipal schools (Arlington, Bartlett, Collierville, Germantown and Millington) in Shelby County, Lakeland announced school will be closed through March 27th.  Shelby County Schools announced a return date of April 6th.

Link to FAQ from LSS: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQEe2S_ZNVWvrfZwu-0joFTHJlbcpIWhtAh2DhirAimgDtWasnerYtRg4E11QHz9FFlVlZXo-Dqb7-P/pub?fbclid=IwAR2xqo4dwzTLGO3Wfxncd58b4xUX1LVDxvlxEJuNL_hKKqQp6q4lHgg08SU