Home Elected Officials LSB tonight:  Could it be Lakeland Preparatory School at 8:15 a.m.?

LSB tonight:  Could it be Lakeland Preparatory School at 8:15 a.m.?

Dr. Ted Horrell presents High School Start Time Committee results to LSB

The Lakeland School Board (LSB) met for a work session tonight (1.6.20) at City Hall to discuss start times and a name for the soon-to-be-built first high school in Lakeland.

A vote on both issues will be at the regular LSB meeting Jan. 13th.

Dr. Ted Horrell, Lakeland School System (LSS) superintendent, presented a power point on recommendations from the High School Start Times Committee and also gave his recommendation for a name for the high school.

He proposed the name of both the middle and high schools be Lakeland Preparatory School to represent one school serving middle and high school students.  He suggested the change be made in the school year starting in August 2020 although the high school addition will not open to 9th graders until August 2022.

Currently the school serving grades 5-8 is Lakeland Middle Preparatory School (LMPS). Board members asked about the name change impact on signage, branding and extracurricular uniforms. Dr. Horrell said there would be some overlap initially, but some of the jerseys could be used until it was time to buy new ones and the front sign was designed to be changed at a future time.  “The sooner you change, the better,” he said.  Board Member Deborah Thomas said if the change is made in the fall, there will be two full school years to work through the change.

The recommendation is for the combined middle and high schools to start at 8:15 a.m. and end at 3:15 p.m.  Lakeland Elementary School hours would remain 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

In reviewing possible start times for the new school, Dr. Horrell said adequate rest is important for students for academics, health, emotions and behavior.  Board Member Michelle Childs said she believed the later start time was the best practice for physical and mental health of students. At Arlington High School, where Lakeland students currently go through an interlocal between the two cities, the high school starts at 7 a.m.

The Livestream video of the meeting malfunctioned during most of the meeting: https://livestream.com/lakeland/events/8952284

Link to agenda: https://lakelandk12.org/res/web/01.06.20%20WS/01.06.20%20Work%20Session%20Agenda.pdf

Consisting of parents, school staff, an LSB liaison and Dr. Horrell, the Committee was created by the Board before approval to build a high school as a means to discuss start times if and when a high school would be built.  From the start, said Dr. Horrell, the Committee wanted the start time to be as close to 8:30 a.m. as possible.

(Members without asterisks were original when the Committee was first formed.)

The slide presentation provided data on current and future bus use and costs, feedback from other school systems and discipline issues among Lakeland students on bus routes now.

Link to Google album of slides:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/sMpULsqoqES8W3bJA

Dr. Horrell said the Committee is excited to be leading the way in Shelby County with the school start time at 8:15 a.m.

Board Member Thomas questioned when the 8:15 a.m. time would take effect and Dr. Horrell said in 2022 when the high school is supposed to open. Vice Chair Laura Harrison asked about the cost to add bus monitors and Dr. Horrell said he would have that information at the next meeting.

The first high school in Lakeland will open in August 2022 to 9th graders only, which would be current 6th graders. That grade would move up one grade each year and would be the first graduating class from the new high school in May 2026.

Other business:

Dr. Horrell reported he is interviewing three construction managers for the high school build tomorrow and hopes to have a decision to share with Board Members next week.  The selection has to concur with USDA which is providing the loan money for the school.  He said USDA already approved a contract without the name of the construction manager which will be added to the document when available and provided to USDA.

The JV Basketball Tournament started this week at LMPS, said Dr. Horrell, and in fact, most JV games have been played in the LMPS gym.  He said that is a good way to expose people to Lakeland.

TLN (Tennessee Legislative Network) Representative Childs offered a draft on the LSS legislative agenda.  Link: https://lakelandk12.org/res/web/01.06.20%20WS/2020%20LSS%20Legislative%20Agenda.pdf

Two new policies were discussed on first reading: Class size ratios and transcript alterations.

At next week’s meeting, a Board chair, vice chair and TLN (Tennessee Legislative Network) will be selected.

… Photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents