Home Board Members LMPS Symphony Orchestra debuts at School’s Annual Veterans Day Program

LMPS Symphony Orchestra debuts at School’s Annual Veterans Day Program

Veterans Day Program at LMPS Thursday

A first for the LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School) Veterans Day Program Thursday (11.7.19) was the debut of the School’s Symphony Orchestra.

Leann Drew, chair of the program and 6th and 7th grade science teacher, said the morning program closed with a performance of the new Orchestra.  The Concert Orchestra and Concert Band combined for “Freedom Finale,” a short medley of beloved patriotic melodies, she said.

For the observance at the School, there was an Honors Wall to recognize friends or family members who are serving or have served their Country in the military.  Students wore patriotic colors by grade.

Guest speaker for the program was Jack Leonard.

Link to Google album courtesy of Cathy Roberts: https://photos.app.goo.gl/LnuQK2R8GeihFAoD8

The Orchestra performed “Let Me Go With You” arranged by Shirl Jae Atwell.  “This is a folk song that pays tribute to family members who make sacrifices of their own as they follow honor and follow their loved ones who serve,” said Mrs. Drew.  Eighth grader Allison Pianetta introduced the piece and read an original poem dedicated to her father entitled “My Soldier.”

The Concert Choir performed the “Star Spangled Banner.”  All of fifth grade, led by Mane Melody, performed “Fifty Nifty United States” and “Thankful for the USA.”

The sixth grade choir led the combined choirs in “Peace Round.” Hailey Brown was a soloist on that piece which involved both choirs and the fifth grade.  She sang the first part a cappella and then the other students joined by singing in rounds.  Noah Manthe and Gabi Che were fifth grade speakers.

Music directors are Brent Hopper, Band, Frances Miller, Choir and Paula Bert Turner, Orchestra.

Lakeland School Board (LSB) Member Deborah Thomas attended the program along with LSB Chair Kevin Floyd, Vice Chair Laura Harrison, LSB Member Michelle Childs and Lakeland School Superintendent Dr. Ted Horrell.  Lakeland Vice Mayor Josh Roman was at the program along with Commissioners Richard Gonzales, Jr. and Wesley Wright.

Lakeland Elementary School (LES) had two Veterans Day Programs by grade levels Tuesday (11.5.19).

Mrs. Thomas said, “On Tuesday at LES, I was struck by how many LMPS musicians, who were there to perform, were actually mouthing the words or singing along to the “Thank You” song, which has been part of LES Veterans Day programs for years. Today at LMPS, I noticed sixth graders singing along to “Fifty Nifty” while the current fifth-grade classes were performing it.

“It’s not just that they remember the lyrics. It’s a reflection of how much they cherish memories of their years as Lions. It’s what we’ve all tried to explain to people who may not completely understand why we’ve been so enthusiastic about LES, why we fought so hard for LMPS, and why we’re excited about the opening of our high school. Kids remember the details–the happy moments of their childhood. And these kids will remember–forever–how we gathered to honor our veterans.”

Allie broke down in tears near the end of her poem presentation, said Mrs. Thomas, and was unable to finish reading it.  “The crowd was silent and still. Mrs. Drew approached the podium, and as she did, the crowd erupted in supportive applause. Mrs. Drew finished reading the poem, which was about how Allie has watched her dad, a Navy pilot, leave her family to serve somewhere faraway; how she has counted the days until he could come home; and how she feels when she sees his plane land back at home. Not many dry eyes after that one. I met Allie afterwards and told her that I wanted nothing more than to hug her at that moment, and I am sure the rest of the crowd felt the same way.”

Mrs. Thomas added, “I love seeing members of our community–some of them family, others veterans–attend these programs each year. These programs truly are community events, and it makes me so proud to watch our students honor these selfless servants. I’m grateful to our teachers and administrators for ensuring that this tradition continues to thrive year after year.”

… Photos by Cathy Roberts, exceptional children secretary at LMPS