The first of two performances of LES (Lakeland Elementary School) Disney Aladdin Kids last night (2.7.20) received a standing ovation from a standing-room only crowd of parents, siblings and family.
The third annual play performance in the school cafeteria of the K-4 school featured vibrant-colored costumes and realistic sets with a cast and stage crew of 70. It is sponsored by the LES PTA.

There is a second performance today.
Disney Aladdin Kids
Lakeland Elementary School
4 p.m. Saturday (2.8.20)
Admission is $5 – Pay at the door
“A Whole New World” was among seven songs presented by the students during the 45-minute performance.
Lauren Baird, LES PTA vice president of cultural arts, said the cast includes students in kindergarten through fourth grade, with backstage crew from third and fourth grades. Others on the PTA Play Crew Committee are Jenny Kiesel, Amy Adler and Emily Spiceland.
Link to Google album:
Robin Smith, LES music teacher, is directing the play. She and Kristen Nichols, LES second grade teacher, along with volunteer moms, made costumes and headgear.

… Video, photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents