Home Board Members Lakeland seeks volunteer for Parks and Rec Board

Lakeland seeks volunteer for Parks and Rec Board

The City of Lakeland Board of Commissioners (BOC) is accepting applications for the following volunteer position until 4:30 p.m. October 19:

Lakeland Parks and Recreation Board / Natural Resources Board (PRB/NRB)

The PRB/NRB reviews and recommends park development plans, recreation programs and recommends locations of new parks.

The PRB/NRB also has an active role in planning, advising and promoting the development of a comprehensive, community-endorsed natural resources and environmental stewardship program for the City.

The volunteer group meets at City Hall the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Staff Advisor is Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Rooney.

For additional information or application, contact Kevin Rooney at 867-2717, visit the City website at www.lakelandtn.gov or email krooney@lakelandtn.org

This notice is from Jessica Millspaugh, CMFO, finance director and city recorder for the City.