Home Elected Officials Lakeland Prep to Receive New Video Board with Support from City

Lakeland Prep to Receive New Video Board with Support from City

Exposed beams and infrastructure were installed during school construction for a future video board to go above the scoreboard.

In a significant boost for Lakeland Prep’s football and lacrosse programs, the city’s Board of Commissioners (BOC) voted Thursday evening to approve funding for a new video scoreboard at the Lakeland Prep football stadium. The proposal, which received a 4-1 vote in favor, will bring a modern video board to the multi-use stadium that serves various sports programs, including youth and middle school football, high school football, and lacrosse.

The initiative, championed by Mayor Josh Roman, marks a show of support for Lakeland Prep as the school celebrates its 10th anniversary. The video board is expected to be installed next year, pending final contract approvals between the city and the Lakeland Board of Education.

Mayor Roman’s proposal was met with enthusiasm from several BOC members, reflecting a commitment to enhancing the school’s facilities and community engagement. Dr. Ted Horrell, Superintendent of the Lakeland School System, expressed his gratitude for the support, stating, “I have no doubt that this gift will both add to the excitement, environment, and professionalism of our game and event experiences, but will also help share the great things that are happening in our City and school system with a wider community. In addition, I’m confident it will be utilized to help raise additional funds for our programs.”

The existing scoreboard was part of the high school’s original construction, with provisions made for a future video board. Dr. Horrell noted that the previous investment in structural and data infrastructure would maximize the utility of the new video board.

Support for the proposal was echoed by Commissioners Wesley Wright and Jim Atkinson, who highlighted the benefits of the video board for various events. However, Commissioner Connie McCarter cast the sole dissenting vote.

Dr. Horrell also mentioned that while the size of the video board has not yet been finalized, it will be determined based on final budget considerations. “We’re hopeful that we will quickly identify the board that best suits our needs while utilizing the funding provided by the City,” he added.