Home Business Hair salons, barber shops may open Wednesday says Shelby County Mayor

Hair salons, barber shops may open Wednesday says Shelby County Mayor

On behalf of the Joint Task Force, Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris announced today (5.4.20) that hair salons and barber shops can open throughout the County Wednesday as part of Phase One of the Back-to-Business Framework.

Nail salons, massage businesses and tattoo parlors will remain closed, he said.

Link to the Framework: https://backtobusiness.memphistn.gov/phases/

Mayor Harris approved a new health directive, #3, that will be in operation for the next 14 days.  All the mayors and municipal leaders throughout the County are on the same page, he said.  “We continue to see a commitment to work toward unity.  We have all been a part of this process.”

Link to directive: https://www.shelbycountytn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/36791/Health-Directive-3

He said Gov. Bill Lee threw a bit of a curve ball last week.  The Governor had originally said close-contact businesses would not open until Phase Two. Wednesday the Governor announced a reversal and caused a bit of disruption for Shelby County, said Mayor Harris. Several municipalities in Shelby announced they would follow the Governor’s plan and open barber shops and hair salons in Phase One this week.

To open Wednesday, the Mayor said 11 conditions have to be met by the shops:

  1. Employees temperatures must be checked before entering the facility
  2. The shops must have sanitizer, soap and wipes available.
  3. Appointment books should include names, dates and times of the appointments
  4. Face coverings are required
  5. Capes or smocks must be sanitized or disposable
  6. Social distancing must be practiced inside the shop
  7. Stylists must be tested for COVID-19 and stay home if they are sick
  8. Appointments only for customers – Walk-ins would have to wait outside the facility
  9. There should be a 15-minute period between appointments to sanitize and clean
  10. Owners should regularly disinfect their facility
  11. There will be no customer companions unless the customer is a minor.

The Joint Task Force represents Memphis, Shelby County and the six municipalities in the County including Lakeland.