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Elizabet Tskhadiashvili Explains the Benefits of Volunteering

Elizabet Tskhadiashvili

Elizabet Tskhadiashvili is an immigrant from the country of Georgia who enjoys volunteering in her community. In the following article, Elizabet explains how volunteering not only benefits the community, but it will enhance your life as the volunteer.

People generally look at volunteering from a purely charitable standpoint rather than thinking about how it can benefit them. While this is certainly the right intent, it overlooks the ways that volunteering can help everyone involved—not just the communities on the receiving end. As volunteers continue to contribute to a cause, they develop empathy, healthy interpersonal skills, notable work experience, and close friendships with a new community explains Elizabet Tskhadiashvili.

Volunteering is an opportunity for growth at a personal level. Although many people struggle to find the time to contribute to a cause, it almost always benefits the volunteers as much as the communities they serve. In this article, Elizabet Tskhadiashvili takes a look at some of the benefits of volunteering and explains how you can get involved in your local area.

Volunteering Takes You Outside of Your Comfort Zone

One of the best things about volunteering is that it forces you to meet new people and try new things. It’s easy to become stuck in a routine, only ever seeing the same faces and doing the same things day in and day out. Volunteering gives you a chance to break free from that mold and experience something different explains Elizabet Tskhadiashvili.

By stepping outside of our day-to-day habits, we can learn new ways of being and experience a side of life different from what we’re used to. At these boundaries, we’re then forced to adapt, recognize our internal strengths, and apply them to new situations. This becomes a learning experience and a chance to grow.

Volunteering Forces You to Meet New People

Elizabet Tskhadiashvili says that in addition to experiencing new things, volunteering also gives you the opportunity to meet new people. This is important because it broadens your perspective and helps you see the world from different angles.

When we only associate with people who think like us, it’s easy to develop tunnel vision and become close-minded. By talking to people who are different from us, we can learn about their cultures, values, and beliefs. This not only enriches our own lives but helps us become more tolerant and understanding of others. In a world that’s becoming increasingly divided, this is more important than ever explains Elizabet Tskhadiashvili.

Elizabet Tskhadiashvili
Volunteering Helps You Develop New Skills

Depending on the type of volunteering you do, you’ll likely have to pick up some field-specific knowledge to be more effective. Whether it’s learning how to build a website, teaching English to refugees, or cooking meals for the homeless, volunteering gives you the chance to learn new things and develop skills that you never would have otherwise.

Not only can this make you more well-rounded and interesting, but it can also help you develop skills that are valuable in the workplace says Elizabet Tskhadiashvili. Many employers are looking for employees who are adaptable and have a willingness to learn new things, and volunteering is a great way to show that you have those qualities. Volunteering can also enhance your resume, especially for women that have been out of the work force for several years due to job loss, childcare, etc.

Volunteering Can Help You Find a Job

In addition to developing new skills, volunteering can also be a great way to find a job. Many employers view volunteering as a form of job experience, so it can be a great way to get your foot in the door. In addition, because volunteering gives you the opportunity to meet new people and network, it can also help you meet people who can help you find a job explains Elizabet Tskhadiashvili.

How to Start Volunteering

Elizabet Tskhadiashvili reviewed some of the benefits of volunteering, so you may be wondering how to get involved. The good news is that there are many opportunities to volunteer, no matter what your interests or availability.

One way to find volunteering opportunities is to search online. Websites like VolunteerMatch and Idealist are great resources for finding volunteering opportunities in your area. You can also contact local nonprofits and ask if they have any volunteer opportunities that you can participate in.

Also, remember that you don’t have to commit to volunteering for a long period of time to make a difference says Elizabet Tskhadiashvili. Even a few hours a week can be helpful, and many organizations are happy to have volunteers for short-term projects. So, if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, start small and gradually increase your involvement over time.

The Bottom Line

While there’s no denying that volunteering is a great way to give back to your community, it’s also a great way to grow as a person. By working with others, you can step outside of your experience, learn new skills, meet new communities, and give back. So, if you’re looking for a way to make a difference, consider volunteering. Elizabet Tskhadiashvili says that it’s an opportunity that benefits everyone involved.