By Steve Laster, chair of EDC/IDB

Lakeland’s EDC (Economic Development Commission) and IDB (Industrial Development Board) met June 25th at City Hall. This was the first meeting of the EDC and the first in-person meeting of the IDB since February due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Link to EDC agenda:
Link to IDB agenda:
At the IDB meeting there was debate and discussion between the members on the recent request for a design change by the developers of Lakeland Commons to the MPC/DRC (Municipal Planning Commission/Design Review Commission) June 18th.
The Board also received feedback and comments from many of the audience which included Lakeland commissioners, City staff, IDB counsel Al Bright, and consultant Dexter Muller. Discussion centered on concerns throughout the Board on the potential changes to the development and their economic impact to the development as they relate to the previously approved TIF package. The Board requested that the developer attend the July meeting to discuss the proposed changes.
The IDB also approved a TIF draw request for the Lakeland Commons/Lakeland Town Square development. The amount is $333,521.
During the EDC meeting members received updates from Mr. Muller on the Lakeland Economic Development Strategy highlighting properties and developments, and marketing efforts. The EDC also received an update on the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce’s upcoming activities from Brittney Buchanan.
The next regularly scheduled meeting for both the EDC and IDB is July 23rd.
… Photo by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents