Home National Stories Dr. Dennis Johnson, Veterinarian Explains the Best Reasons to Adopt a Greyhound

Dr. Dennis Johnson, Veterinarian Explains the Best Reasons to Adopt a Greyhound

Dr. Dennis Johnson Veterinarian

Dr. Dennis Johnson of Decatur has been a veterinarian for over 30 years. As a lover of all animals, Dr. Dennis Johnson advocates for the adoption of dogs and cats over buying from a breeder. In the following article, Dr. Dennis Johnson discusses the benefits of greyhound adoption, and bringing this loving breed into a family.

The gentle giant of the canine world and often misunderstood, greyhounds are usually overlooked in favor of other family-friendly breeds, but there are a number of reasons that adopting one is a choice that won’t be regretted.

They’re Very Laid Back

Dr. Dennis Johnson of Decatur says that if greyhounds could be any more laid back, they’d be horizontal. And for most of the day, they are. These dogs love sleep and require very little stimulation. It means they make great dogs for those who work outside of the home, or who have busy lifestyles requiring them to be gone for several hours of the day.

Dr. Dennis Johnson, veterinarian says that greyhounds also make excellent apartment dogs for this very reason. While they may be larger in size, they’re quiet dogs who require very little in the way of space. They rarely, if ever, bark, so they’re not the kind of dogs who will give neighbors any reason to complain.

The only problem is that they love to hog the sofa, and no amount of encouraging them to sleep on the floor or dog bed tends to have much effect.

They’re Fun to Walk

Just because the greyhound may be the laziest of all dogs doesn’t mean they don’t require exercise explains Dr. Dennis Johnson, veterinarian. The good news is that walking a greyhound is a very enjoyable experience.

They love to stroll on the leash and will happily keep pace with their owners. They do love short bursts of sprinting, so taking them somewhere they can be safely off the leash to dash around for a few minutes will make them extremely happy. After that, it’s back home for another long, lazy afternoon of napping.

They Make Great Family Dogs

Dr. Dennis Johnson, veterinarian says that there’s no knowing the individual temperament of every single dog, and there’s no such thing as an ‘aggressive breed,’ but greyhounds are known for being docile, affectionate animals who have no problem with children and who are devoted to their families.

Because they’re so tame, they rank very low on the guard dog rankings. Despite their size they make for a terrible security animal, although they are loyal to their pack and can be protective of them explains Dr. Dennis Johnson, veterinarian.

Greyhounds love to cuddle, and they often forget about their large size while insisting on plonking themselves down on their owners for some love. While they love to play, new greyhound owners should be mindful of not being too rough with them, as these dogs have fragile bones that can easily break.

Dr. Dennis Johnson Decatur
They’re Easy to Groom

Because of their short coat, they also do very little shedding, so there’s less work for owners to do around the home to keep on top of dog hair. All a greyhound needs to look shiny and new is a good brushing and the occasional bath, but there’s no need to get the vacuum cleaner out on the sofa every day like some of the other long-haired breeds.

A short, fine coat can also mean less dander, which is the main cause of irritation in those with allergies. No dog is ever truly hypo-allergenic, but greyhounds can be the perfect choice for those who love dogs but hate sneezing in their company all the time explains Dr. Dennis Johnson, veterinarian.

They Deserve to be Adopted

The greyhound breed was born to race. They have very short professional lives as racetrack dogs, and plenty never even make it to the circuit. It means there are far too many of these incredible dogs cast aside and in need of loving homes.

A ‘professional’ racing greyhound is retired by the age of around 5, so it doesn’t mean that adopting such a dog means taking on a senior animal; there’s still plenty of life in these dogs, for many years of companionship.

Even though betting on greyhound racing is illegal in nearly every one of the USA’s 50 states, some states still allow betting on greyhound races. Thankfully, this trend is dying out with the younger generation.

Until the demand for racing greyhounds dies out completely, however, there will still be a market for greyhound puppies often from illegal sources. Whoever is looking to bring a gentle, loving dog into their home should look to consider a greyhound. Whether they choose one of these remarkable dogs or not, adopt, rather than shop, for a new furry addition.