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Dr. Chacra Discusses the Trend of Male patients Embracing Cosmetic Surgery, Specifically Rhinoplasty

Dr. Chacra Discusses the Trend of Male patients Embracing Cosmetic Surgery, Specifically Rhinoplasty

Zahi Abou Chacra, MD, FRCSC graduated from McGill University School of Medicine and University of Montreal in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Chacra is double board certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, as well as the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He also works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Montreal.

Plastic surgery has long been associated with female patients seeking to enhance or alter their appearance and reduce the signs of aging. However, over the last decade, there has been a notable shift in the world of medical aesthetics and facial plastic surgery as more male patients are embracing cosmetic procedures to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. One of the most common procedures among men aged 18 to 50 and even 60 years of age is rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job. In the following article, Dr. Zahi Abou Chacra explores the possible reasons behind this trend, the benefits of rhinoplasty for men, and the significant breaking of stereotypes surrounding male plastic surgery, specially when it comes to male rhinoplasty.

Dr. Chacra on Changing Perceptions of Male Beauty

Historically, societal norms and gender stereotypes have placed pressure on men to conform to traditional notions of masculinity, which often discouraged them from seeking cosmetic enhancements. However, as attitudes towards gender and beauty continue to evolve, male patients are increasingly embracing their desire to look and feel their best. Dr. Chacra explains that this shift may be driven by various factors, including greater acceptance of diverse beauty standards, increased awareness of self-care and general self-perception, as well as the influence of social media and celebrity culture.

Addressing Functional and Aesthetic Concerns

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping the nose to improve its appearance, function, or both. Dr. Chacra says that while rhinoplasty has traditionally been associated with cosmetic enhancements, it can also address functional issues such as breathing difficulties or nasal deformities resulting from injuries or birth defects.

Dr. Zahi Abou Chacra says that for men, rhinoplasty is sought for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Correction of Nasal Imperfections: Dr. Chacra explains that in his private practice in Montreal, Clinique 7 his male patients are often self-conscious about the size, shape, or symmetry of their noses. Rhinoplasty can address aesthetic concerns such as a prominent nasal hump, a bulbous tip, or asymmetrical nostrils, helping male patients achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial profile.
  • Improvement of Breathing Function: Some men may experience breathing problems due to structural issues within the nose, such as a deviated septum or narrow nasal passages. Dr. Chacra can correct these functional issues, allowing for improved airflow and better overall respiratory function. Moreover, addressing functional concerns through rhinoplasty can have far-reaching benefits beyond physical well-being. Improved breathing can lead to better sleep quality, reduced snoring, and enhanced daytime energy levels, ultimately contributing to a better quality of life. Additionally, alleviating nasal obstruction can have positive effects on mental health, reducing feelings of frustration, anxiety, and self-consciousness associated with breathing difficulties.
  • Enhancement of Facial Harmony: The nose plays a central role in facial aesthetics, serving as a focal point that can significantly impact the overall balance and symmetry of the face. By reshaping the nose to better complement the other facial features of his patients, Dr. Zahi Abou Chacra sculpts noses which improve overall facial harmony and boost self-confidence.
  • Correction of Nasal Trauma: Dr. Chacra notes that men were previously more likely than women to engage in activities that put them at risk of nasal trauma, such as sports or physical occupations. Cosmetic Rhinoplasty can repair damage caused by trauma, enhancing the aesthetic of the nose itself and softening the patient’s overall appearance.

It’s important for male patients considering rhinoplasty for functional or aesthetic purposes to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon. A thorough evaluation of the nasal anatomy and breathing function will help determine the most appropriate surgical approach to address individual needs and goals. In Dr. Zahi Abou Chacra’s practice, as well as in rhinoplasty, advancements in surgical techniques and technology mean that each surgical protocol is uniquely tailored to each individual patient and their needs.

Dr. Chacra Discusses the Trend of Male patients Embracing Cosmetic Surgery, Specifically RhinoplastyBreaking Stereotypes and Promoting Self-Improvement

The significant rise in male patients seeking to undergo facial plastic surgery reflects a broader cultural shift towards self-improvement and self-acceptance. Just as women have long been empowered to make choices about their appearances, men are increasingly embracing the idea that beauty and self-care are not limited by gender. By breaking stereotypes surrounding facial plastic surgery and rhinoplasty, men are challenging outdated notions of masculinity and redefining beauty standards in more inclusive and diverse ways.

Dr. Chacra reports that it’s essential to recognize that the decision to undergo any facial plastic surgery, especially cosmetic rhinoplasty, is deeply personal and should be based on individual needs, desires, and goals. He believes that people of all genders deserve the opportunity to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin, free from judgment or associated stigma. Whether seeking to address aesthetic concerns, improve functionality, or enhance overall well-being, the choice to undergo a rhinoplasty should be a personal one; one that would lead to personal satisfaction.

Consulting with a Qualified Professional

Before undergoing any facial plastic surgery, notably rhinoplasty, it is crucial for patients to consult with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in all kinds of rhinoplasty, as well as male rhinoplasty. During the consultation process, Dr. Chacra will assess the individual’s concerns, goals, and expectations, and develop a customized treatment plan tailored to their unique needs.

By taking a proactive and informed approach to facial plastic surgery and cosmetic rhinoplasty, male patients can achieve natural-looking results that enhance their appearance while preserving their masculine identity, if this is what they desire.


Zahi Abou Chacra MD, FRCSC, explains that rhinoplasty is not only a cosmetic procedure but also a valuable tool for addressing functional issues within the nose for both men and women. Male patients experiencing breathing difficulties due to structural abnormalities may seek rhinoplasty as a viable solution to improve airflow, enhance respiratory function, and ultimately enhance their overall quality of life. The increasing popularity of cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery among men of various ages and cultural backgrounds reflects a positive cultural shift towards embracing diversity, individuality and self-expression through personal goals related to one’s appearance.

By making the decision to undergo cosmetic rhinoplasty, men from around the world are reclaiming the right to make choices about their bodies and appearances in a way that is somewhat revelatory and unprecedented. Cosmetic Rhinoplasty offers male patients the opportunity to address their aesthetic concerns, improve nasal functionality, and enhance self-confidence; ultimately empowering them and allowing them to feel their best. By consulting with a qualified facial plastic surgeon such as Dr. Zahi Abou Chacra in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and exploring the possibilities of what rhinoplasty can do for them, male patients can take steps towards the nose they’ve always dreamed of.