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Debra Decaro Discusses How Traveling Can Help Heal After the Loss of a Spouse

Debra Decaro

Debra Decaro is a frequent travel contributor to several publications. In the following article, Debra Decaro discusses the unfortunate reality of many – becoming a widow or widower. The loss of a spouse is undoubtedly difficult, but there are a variety of ways to heal and feel not so alone.

Traveling, for one – whether it’s alone or with a group can be the grief support and healing that one may need to feel somewhat whole again. Below, Debra Decaro discuss in further detail the benefits of traveling and how this method of grief assistance can help.

The loss of one’s spouse changes everything, yet somehow the world is the same. It may feel like it is impossible to recover. While it is impossible to go back to how things were, it is possible to heal.

Debra Decaro says that travelling is one method to help the healing process by providing new sights, new experiences, and reinvigorating wonder for the world. Traveling in a group can expand these benefits to include companionship and a sense of belonging.

Widows and widowers who traveled with their spouses may find comfort in familiar activities. Those who did not may find a new drive. Either way, the benefits are many!

Traveling Solo as a Widow(er)

When someone loses their traveling partner it can seem like traveling without them is impossible. Thinking about traveling with someone else can feel like a betrayal. This is an easy belief to fall into even knowing that the partner wouldn’t have wanted this belief explains Debra Decaro.

If traveling in a group is too much or undesirable, there is much to be said about traveling solo. Traveling alone allows one to tailor every aspect of the experience to what they need and want. It can be a great way to rediscover one’s joy in life.

Traveling alone can be an opportunity to sit with oneself and grieve while being out in the world. Sitting with oneself at home can be too isolating. Traveling can provide that necessary connection to the outside world, without necessarily interacting with a group of people.

That said, traveling after such a loss may be difficult. It will be lonely at times, maybe even all of the time. But getting out to travel, whether it’s nearby or across the world, will reignite what makes one feel alive. Debra Decaro provides a few tips to get started traveling again.

Traveling with a Group as a Widow(er)

On the other hand, traveling with a group can be just as healing if not more explains Debra Decaro. It depends greatly on one’s preferences for company. Traveling with a group means companionship but less individual freedom. A group requires everyone has similar plans for the trip.

Whether the group is made up of old friends or new acquaintances it ensures that there will always be someone familiar. The sense of anonymity that comes with travel will be reduced. This can help stave off feelings of loneliness and provide external structure and distraction from feeling sad or alone.

If one’s travel companions are fellow widows and widowers, there will be mutual understanding, support and solidarity. They will be able to relate and provide advice, helping the grieving and healing process. Through the shared experience of traveling, one can make solid bonds with other widows and widowers says Debra Decaro.

Debra Decaro
What Traveling Can Do for the Healing Process

No matter the company or lack thereof, travel can help heal in profound ways. These benefits are discovered by men and women of all ages. Grief follows us wherever we go, but remote locations can help on the path to recovery.

When traveling, one can explore many different cultures says Debra Decaro. This can lead to discoveries about what makes life worth living. If grief is discussed or explored in this context one can discover new ways of coping and healing.

It also gives individuals the power to control what people know. Back home everyone knows about the loss. Abroad one can step away from the loss for a while if needed. Opening up is a choice. This allows people the time and space to process at their own pace.

Additionally, traveling can be proof that one can continue to live a full life. The loss of a spouse fundamentally changes one’s life but does not remove all that is good in the world. Nor does it remove one’s ability to be a part of this beautiful world.

Travel as One Aspect of Healing

All of this is to say that travel can be an incredible way to heal after such a loss. However, it is not the only nor should it be treated as such. While traveling alone may be preferable it does not mean that one should not seek out a community says Debra Decaro.

A community (such as a travel group for widow[er]s) forms a support network that is invaluable. Travel alone as needed but maintain connections to people. Healing can also be found in confronting the loneliness that exists in a home that has lost one.

Final Thoughts

Whether travel is an old friend or a daunting task it is worth considering after a loss. Traveling in its many forms and purposes can be a great opportunity to heal. Used in combination with other healing methods it can revitalize one’s heart.