Home Local News Commissioners Sworn In. Michele Dial Named Vice Mayor.

Commissioners Sworn In. Michele Dial Named Vice Mayor.

Jim Atkinson getting sworn in as Commissioner on Dec. 10, 2020.

Last evening (December 10, 2020) one new commissioner and one sitting commissioner was sworn in at Lakeland City hall. Jim Atkinson, the former city manager, was sworn in with his wife by his side. His family was also in attendance to observe the festivities. This is Commissioner Atkinson’s first term to serve as a Commissioner.

Commissioner Wesley Wright was also sworn in with his family watching. Mr. Wright was successfully re-elected to the BOC to sit in his second term. Terms for both Mr. Atkinson and Mr. Wright will be for 4 years. Commissioner Wright was happy to serve once again saying, “The magnitude of that moment from being sworn in was profound. I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to move Lakeland to the next level.”

Wesley Wright getting sworn in as his family looks on.

After the swearing-in ceremonies, both Commissioners went straight to work in the BOC monthly business meeting.

Michele Dial Named Vice Mayor

The first order of business for the new BOC body was to appoint a Vice Mayor for Lakeland. The city bylaws do not allow for the vice mayor to be an elected position, rather, the board itself votes annually on who will serve as the Vice Mayor. The position of Vice Mayor is important for a variety of reasons. The Vice Mayor runs the meeting if the Mayor is absent and signs documents for city staff in the event the Mayor is unavailable. After the nomination process and a vote by BOC members, Commissioner Michele Dial was selected to serve in the official capacity of Vice Mayor.

Vice Mayor Dial said she was proud to be a role model for future female leaders and said she wanted everyone to know how thankful she was for the role. “I want to express appreciation to my fellow board members for their nomination and vote of confidence in me.” Ms. Dial said. She continued saying, “I am honored to accept it!”

Vice Mayor Michele Dial

BOC Liaison Positions

Liaison positions to various city boards were also discussed last evening and appointments were made. The city of Lakeland has various boards filled with appointed citizens and each board has a liaison from the BOC. Boards include the municipal planning board (MPC), economic development council (EDC), parks and recreation (PBR), and board of appeals (BOA).

Commissioner Wright was selected to serve as the liaison for both the EDC and the board of appeals. Commissioner Atkinson was selected to serve as the liaison for the municipal planning commission. Vice Mayor Dial was selected to continue her role as the liaison for parks and recreation. Commissioner Richard Gonzales was not selected to serve as a liaison for a city board at this time.