Continued closures, new cancellations in Lakeland

Shane Horn, Lakeland city manager, announced today (5.29.20) that the Lakeland Senior Center, IH Clubhouse and city playgrounds will remain closed until Shelby County...

IDB meeting: TIF draw approved for LTS – Infrastructure underway on site

During its monthly meeting yesterday (5.28.20), the IDB (Industrial Development Board) approved a $396,173 TIF (Tax increment Financing) draw for Lakeland Commons/Lakeland Town Square...

Virtual IDB meeting Thursday

The Industrial Development Board (IDB) will meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday (5.28.20) via electronic/telephonic means because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Link to agenda: Participants may...

Lakeland Emergency Declaration extended

The Declaration of Emergency has been extended in Lakeland an additional seven days to May 29th, according to Shane Horn, city manager. Link:

Memorial Day 2020 closings – Flags at half-staff for COVID-19 victims

City Hall will be closed for the holiday.  IH Clubhouse, LSC and playgrounds closed through May 31st because of COVID-19, according to Rhonda Fink,...

Free to Lakeland residents – Face masks

The City of Lakeland has thousands of disposable masks and over 300 reusable masks, free to Lakeland residents and businesses at Lakeland City Hall...

Variance request approved by BOA/SWBOA for pet hospital – Now goes to MPC/DRC

A variance request for a Banfield Pet Hospital in Lakeland was approved in a 4-0 vote by the Board of Appeals/Stormwater Board of Appeals...