Parents of party attendees file suits in Oakwood Clubhouse shooting

Two lawsuits have been filed in Shelby County Circuit Court, seeking a jury trial for personal injury against the Oakwood Subdivision Homeowners, relating to...

Late afternoon fire damaged Lakeland home yesterday

A fire yesterday afternoon (7.4.18) damaged a home in North Lakeland, according to Brent Perkins, public information officer for the Shelby County Fire Department...

Thanks to thousands for reading the LC website

You’ve done it. You’ve made the Lakeland Currents website a favorite read among thousands of people around the Lakeland community and beyond. Statistics for the first...

Holiday Closures in Lakeland, trash delays

The Fourth of July (Wednesday) is a holiday for Republic Services, Lakeland City buildings and Lakeland School System. All will be closed for our Nation’s...

Work starts July 11 for MEMFIX 4 PROJECT in East Memphis

For those traveling to East Memphis later this month, traffic will get a little dicey with closures associated with the MEMFiX 4 project. Tennessee Department...

Deadline for voter registration is next week for August election

One Lakeland resident is among a myriad of candidates running in the Aug. 2 Shelby County general and state primary and Memphis special election. Chris...

38002 including North Lakeland on mosquito-control schedule for next week

The Shelby County Health Department (SCHD) continues to test mosquitoes for the presence of West Nile virus. There were no new positive test pools...

Souvenir from TLD — FREE for the asking

A limited number of TLD (The Lake District) coffee mugs are available at two Lakeland locations and free to the community, while the supply...