Mayor Gives State Of The City Address
During his State of the City address today (3.22.17), Mayor Wyatt Bunker announced a Town Square and new City Hall location are among plans...
LSS (Lakeland School System) Perspective: Registration, Accrediation, Legislation
By Teresa Henry, LSB (Lakeland School Board) member
It always amazes me how fast the school year passes. As we enter the last nine weeks...
County Approves $25K Grant for Lakeland Gateway Signs
The Shelby County Commission unanimously approved a $25,000 grant today (3.8.17) for the City of Lakeland to construct two new Gateway signs. The signs...
LSB Members Went to Nashville This Week
By Teresa Henry, LSB member and Tennessee Legislative Network Representative
Lakeland School Board (LSB) members were in Nashville Feb. 21 along with Superintendent Ted Horrell...