Let the Progress Begin – The Lake District
The excavator chomped a bite out of the roof, the sheer chopped it into pieces and just like that, demolition started on the annex...
Special BOC Meeting Tomorrow Night
The third in a series of five special BOC (Board of Commissioners) meetings will be at 4 p.m. Thursday (10.26.17) at City Hall.
The special...
Look What’s Showing in Lakeland Today
Large, colorful horizontal signs and vertical banners promoting The Lake District (TLD) have been placed at Canada Road south of I-40 today (10.24.17).
The banner...
Golfers Place in Annual Chamber Tournament
Winners have been announced in the annual Renaissance Realty Lakeland Chamber Golf Invitational yesterday (10.23.17) at Stonebridge Golf Club in Lakeland, according to Brittney...
Lakeland: Your New McDonald’s
If you’ve been waiting for your McD’s fries or burgers, the wait is almost over.
The fast-food eatery in Lakeland is supposed to open Nov....
Halloween Festival Attracts Scores for Annual Event
Hundreds of children, parents and grandparents filled the IH Club House for the annual City Halloween Festival yesterday (10.22.17).
The threat of early afternoon rain...
Congratulations to LSS — ‘Exemplary’ again!
Just released by the office of Dr. Ted Horrell, Lakeland School System superintendent:
It’s A “Go” — Rain or Shine
It’s likely to be a rainy day, but that won’t deter the annual Lakeland Halloween Festival Sunday (10.22.17)
Originally planned as an outdoor event at...