Home City Staff BOC tonight: Lakeland fire department is no more, resolution approved – Video...

BOC tonight: Lakeland fire department is no more, resolution approved – Video included

Crowd at BOC meeting tonight

In a four to zero vote, the BOC (Board of Commissioners) voted tonight (3.5.19) to rescind resolutions and agreements associated with starting a fire department within the City.

The vote was preceded with much conversation by citizens and elected officials about the merit or lack of merit to break away from the current Shelby County Fire Department (SCFD) service and form a Lakeland department.

The BOC, like the Lakeland School Board, cancelled its monthly work session this month because of spring break March 11-15.

The first resolution on the agenda, to proceed with due diligence on a CON (Capital Outlay Note) of $38 million for a high school in Lakeland, was tabled until another BOC meeting.

Link to agenda:  https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/826

Link to Livestream: https://livestream.com/lakeland/events/8589954

The formation of a fire department in Lakeland, breaking from current coverage by the Shelby County Fire Department, was discussed in October 2017.  Chief Dennis Wolf, a State fire services consultant, addressed a special BOC meeting then and said Lakeland could have its own station by July 2019.  Chief Wolf was to become chief of the first fire department in Lakeland this summer.

At the time, former Mayor Bunker said the fire service fees, collected by MLGW, generate $2.4 million a year. But the cost to operate the department was said to be $1.6 million, with a projected savings of $800,000 year.

The topic of local fire service became a hot potato during the Nov. 6, 2019 election, with candidates claiming the safety of Lakeland citizens would be seriously impacted from a new fire department staffed under City direction.

On Nov. 27, Chief Wolf announced he would not move forward as chief of the proposed fire department.

In an email to BOC members yesterday, Chief Wolf said it was not true that Lakeland was not financially ready to afford its own department as he had been quoted by Mayor Mike Cunningham as saying.

He said, “I do believe that Lakeland can afford a fire department given the amount of fire fees that Lakeland residents pay currently, as those fees will come to the city.  If I did not believe that, I never would have accepted the job offer, as I planned for Lakeland to have a successful fire department.”

Citizen input tonight to the BOC

Among the 11 citizens who addressed the BOC, the comments focused on both a fire department and building a high school.   One resident suggested de-annexation of north Lakeland is a real possibility.

  • I am opposed to the due diligence on the $38 million.
  • It is a mistake to fund a bond.
  • We get excellent service with SCFD. It’s foolish to screw that up.
  • Lakeland is holding the SCFD hostage
  • I can guarantee north Lakeland will de-annex and that is $1.3-$1.6 million of revenue.
  • Why a CON, the highest we could go?
  • The City can’t afford two projects, referencing a school and fire department.
  • In five years, where would we like to be, considering fire service?
  • You are not spending your money (for a fire station). It’s our money in the fire fees.
  • Who will pay for the second fire station when needed if with SCFD?
  • We will pay for it. It won’t come out of fire fees.
  • To the BOC — are you leaders or followers?
  • The City does not believe in itself and that scares investors.
  • Money follows money, relating to spending money to have attract investors.

Link to Google album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/xEd4zoQZkfBCoMKaA

During the public discussion, Michael Green, a Memphis firefighter and Lakeland resident, badgered Commissioner Wesley Wright about compromising public safety and whether Chief Wolf was an employee of Lakeland.  Mr. Green questioned Commissioner Wright, asking if he was willing to compromise public safety based on whether Mayor Cunningham and Commissioner Richard Gonzales Jr. support a school.  “I know 1,800 firemen that would kick you in the teeth because that is so disrespectful,” he said.

Again, he categorized Commissioner Wright as willing to compromise public safety.  The Commissioner said he was not compromising public safety.  There was further conversation as Mr. Green said a Lakeland fire department would be sub-par and Commissioner Wright said it would not be sub-part according to Dennis Wolf, the expert in fire services across the state of Tennessee.

Mr. Green then asked where Mr. Wolf was.  Commissioner Wright said he was teaching a class.  Mr. Green repeatedly asked if Chief Wolf was an employee of the City of Lakeland.  The faceoff ended with Commissioner Wright suggesting the two agree to disagree.

Mayor Cunningham said, “If you want to talk about a school, I’m going to draw a line in the sand right here tonight.  My compromise that I talked about two months ago, if this fire department does not go away, my compromise is off the table.  Period.  I’m not going to play games with every citizen in this town public safety.  It’s not going to happen. You’ve messed with the wrong guy if you think I’m going to sit up here and play games. …. I’m willing to work and compromise on this school. But if you want to keep playing games, I will take my compromise off the table tonight.”

Posted below is the video of BOC members discussing the fire department before the approval vote.


And the rest of the meeting:

Resolution 3 for a residential subdivision development contract for Winstead Farms was approved as was Resolution 4 forming a Citizen’s Advisory Board

The 2019-20 budget calendar was approved.  A budget workshop is planned for March 26th from 5 -9 p.m. for the BOC.

Lt.  Kathy Crowder from the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) reported there were 18 incidents for February including one residential burglary attempt.  One motor vehicle was stolen because the keys were left in the vehicle.  It was recovered in Memphis. There were three thefts from motor vehicles, two of the vehicles were unlocked.  There was one vandalism/felony report and complaints of speeding on Canada Road and Fletcher Trace Parkway.  To reach the SCSC for concerns or help with Neighborhood Watch, use the non-emergency number, 379-7625.

In his City Manager’s report, Shane Horn reminded citizens there will be a service change in trash and recycling the weeks of March 18th and 25th.  The current trash receptacles from Republic will be collected and replaced with new containers from Team Waste.  There should be no disruption in trash, yard waste or recycling pick up during the transition, said Mr. Horn.  Team Waste officially starts serving Lakeland April 1st.  A postcard will be snail mailed to each resident with the information.

… Photos and video by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents