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County Approves $25K Grant for Lakeland Gateway Signs

The Shelby County Commission unanimously approved a $25,000 grant today (3.8.17) for the City of Lakeland to construct two new Gateway signs. The signs...

Victim Identified in Canada Road Wreck today (3.3.17)

An update on the Canada Road/I-40 wreck this morning (3.3.17): Action News 5 is reporting the victim as Douglas Norman of Arlington.  https://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/34656351/driver-dies-behind-the-wheel-crashes-into-construction-zone-on-i-40 As of 8:30 a.m.,...

LSB Members Went to Nashville This Week

By Teresa Henry, LSB member and Tennessee Legislative Network Representative Lakeland School Board (LSB) members were in Nashville Feb. 21 along with Superintendent Ted Horrell...

LSB Meeting: “Day on the Hill” Plans

During the Lakeland School Board (LSB) meeting tonight (Feb. 13), members approved the legislative agenda which will be presented in Nashville Feb. 21 during...

BOC February Meeting: Bridges to Somewhere and “Live Stream”

The “bridges to nowhere” on Canada Road south of I-40 are finally going “somewhere.” The bridges extensions were among a variety of decisions made by...

LSB Work Session: LES students honor Board

By Carl Helton, Lakeland Currents In honor of TSBA (Tennessee School Board Association) School Board Recognition Week, the Lakeland School System (LSS) thanked the five Lakeland...

BOC Work Session: Marketing Post, AT&T Help, Litter Control Costs

During its regular work session tonight (2.2.17) the BOC (Board of Commissioners) discussed a contract with Pinnacle Planning Advisors to be the City’s consultant...

BOC Meeting: Matt Wright Selected for Open Position

In a special meeting tonight (2.2.17), Matt Wright, former member of the Lakeland School Board, was unanimously selected to fill a seat on the...