Home National Stories Zachry Godfrey of Texas Discusses the Popularity of Achieving Overall Wellness

Zachry Godfrey of Texas Discusses the Popularity of Achieving Overall Wellness

Zachry Godfrey Texas

Zachry Godfrey of Texas is an entrepreneur in real estate development, focusing on wellness living and sustainable design. In the following article, Zachry Godfrey of Texas explains how to successfully develop and sustain overall wellness, and what kind of commitments need to be made on the way there.

The idea of living in a state of “wellness” sounds deceivingly simple when in reality, it’s nothing if not broad. It’s complex, requiring discipline and dedication in just about every arena of life, and is something so sought after that people are constantly on the search for how to achieve it.

So how does someone achieve overall wellness? Well, it will take more than just eating a salad at lunch and choosing to walk to work. Zachry Godfrey of Texas dives into the details below:

Physical Health

First on the list is the aspect of life that most people associate with being “well”: physical health. It goes without saying that one’s physical state holds a lot of responsibility for how day-to-day life unfolds. Thankfully, a fresh start is given to us on a daily basis to ensure that physical wellness can be taken into account.

It can start small: drinking a glass of water in the mornings after an 8-hour rest, but the changes these habits kickstart can lead one on a healthier path in no time flat. Physical wellness inherently dictates other areas of life including emotional regulation, memory, self-image, and the like.

The most effective changes that can be made on the road to physical wellness are:

  • Proper amounts of sleep every night (7-9 hours)
  • Getting at least 30 minutes of low-to-moderate-intensity exercise daily
  • Eating at least 5 servings of fruit and veggies every day (or taking vitamins to supplement a healthy diet)
  • Limiting saturated fats and trans fats
  • Eat balanced meals

Mental Health

In recent years, Zachry Godfrey of Texas reports that the subject of mental health has been discussed more than ever before. It’s a vital aspect to how well a person can grow and flourish in life, as well as a determinant in how enjoyable being alive is overall. It’s a delicate subject to some, and something just as worthy of discussion in the talk of cultivating wellness.

Being in a state of mental distress can do more than just throw someone into a “bad day”. It can lead to anxiety and depression and can even manifest into physical symptoms that leave people in a state of chronic pain and illness. Zachry Godfrey of Texas says that mental health, for some, can be the toughest part of the journey to true wellness.

To keep mental health in a positive state, one can:

  • Engage in self-reflection and learn their personal self-disruptive tendencies
  • Practice being present in the now rather than focusing on the future or dwelling on the past
  • Cultivate and commit to a self-care routine
  • Talk to others about emotional stresses, including friends, family, and mental health professionals.
  • Be gentle with oneself on the journey.

Spiritual Health

Zachry Godfrey of Texas says that the topic of spirituality is often overlooked when it comes to the conversation of wellness. It’s sensitive and broad, and too commonly misconstrued to be something that it is not. In reality, spiritual wellness is simply how a person feels at peace in their lives.

To some, this can mean dedicating a part of their day to a higher power, or it can mean looking internally and thinking of their purpose and motivation in this life. Though often thought of as a synonym to religion, people do not need to be religious to be spiritual, they just have to be willing to think of things a bit more existentially.

Zachry Godfrey of Texas explains some ways to cultivate spiritual health include:

  • Volunteering
  • Meditating
  • Journaling
  • Focusing on hobbies
  • Connecting with a relatable community

The Importance of Harmony

All of the previously mentioned zones of life are reliant on one another in order for a person to truly think of themselves as being in a state of “wellness”. It’s a group effort, and each of these dimensions must be working strongly in order for the other zones to be in a good state as well.

Often thought of as an integration, Zachry Godfrey of Texas reports that many believe that though each realm of wellness has its own dictation over a particular area of life, it’s how well they work together that truly shows the quality of life one leads.

Zachry Godfrey TexasThe Future of Wellness

With cultivating a sound life being in more demand than ever, what does this mean the future of wellness may look like?

Online Trends

With social media apps only gaining more and more popularity, educating the younger generation on the importance of wellness is proportionately getting easier. Zachry Godfrey of Texas explains that the clearest example is the rise of health and wellness gurus on Tiktok, who share their expertise in an accessible way.

Wellness Communities

One of the most exciting progressions includes wellness communities.

Unlike typical neighborhoods, a wellness community places an unparalleled amount of care in supporting the wellness of its residents. This can mean accessible exercise rooms and studios, no visible trash receptacles, and no driveways.

Zachry Godfrey of Texas says that these homes are also environmentally sustainable and personalized to support an individual’s wants and needs. As of now, these communities are not looked at as a social norm, but those who are working in real estate and project development only have hope that they will grow in the near future.