Home Lakeland Schools Youth Basketball Signups Coming Soon

Youth Basketball Signups Coming Soon

LC File photo

Patrick O’Mara, Parks and Recreation Director for Lakeland, has informed Lakeland Currents that youth basketball signups are expected to begin in the coming weeks. Boys and girls (beginning at age 5) will once again have the opportunity to play recreation basketball here in Lakeland. Practices typically start around November 1. All practices and games are expected to be held at Lakeland Elementary School but due to COVID regulations, some changes are expected this year. Mr. O’Mara hopes to have more details in the next week or two.

4th Grade Competitive Team – File Photo

Unfortunately, it does not look like Lakeland will offer a competitive basketball option this year for 4th and 5th grade players. The city has offered competitive team options for the past 3 years that play in various leagues around Shelby County. Due to COVID-19 regulations practice time does not look possible this year since gym space is extremely limited at Lakeland Prep. Desk are used in the gym every day to socially distance students and moving those desks in and out of a gym on a daily basis becomes nearly impossible. Adding to the problem, competitive leagues like Crosscheck and Hoop City have not announced if or when they will play this year making the planning process for Lakeland difficult.