By André Nolan, LC staff

Shandra Blackwell-Rock, a 13-year Lakeland resident and mother of four, was faced with a problem. How would she achieve her children’s required school and pageant volunteer hours?
The solution was to start a Facebook page, according to her 11-year-old daughter, Townsend.
Thus, in March of 2018, Volunteer for Lakeland was born. Now with more than 140 members, it is a positive force in the community, Lakeland and beyond.
The group recently volunteered at two LAMP concerts by offering face painting, tattoos, games and prizes. There were 8 volunteers at the July 28th concert and 12 volunteers at the August 25th concert.
Outside of the Lakeland, they have volunteered at Fayette County Animal Rescue, Arlington Library and The Little Pantry of Arlington.
“I’ve been impressed with the youth involved with Volunteer for Lakeland,” said Kim Odom, special events coordinator for the City of Lakeland. “They are out serving their community and helping make it a better place to live. It’s always good to see young people committed to making a difference.”
Children of all ages are invited to join, said Mrs. Blackwell-Rock. “If they have required volunteer hours or just want to give back to the community, it is also a great way to make friends.” Mrs. Blackwell-Rock said parental involvement varies with the age of the children volunteering and the comfort level of the parents.
Townsend is currently Miss Southern States Preteen National Teenager and travels with her family around the country to enter pageants, according to her mother. Townsend and her brother Trace attend Tipton-Rosemark Academy in Millington.
If you want to know more contact Mrs. Blackwell-Rock via the Facebook page:
… Photo by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents.