In case you missed it…
Last week, the City of Lakeland released this statement on the City’s Facebook page regarding delays in the Loose Leaf Collection Program:
“The Loose Leaf Collection Program has experienced delays due to a variety of challenges. The most pressing challenge is in staffing due to the impacts of COVID within the department and throughout City staff.
For the week of Monday January 10-15 crews will be in Area 4 – South of Interstate 40 including Stonebridge, Fairway Meadows, Canada Woods, Woodland Park, Sterling Place, Bentbrooke Hills, Plantation Woods.
To assist crews have your leaves near the edge of roadway, crews will make one pass throughout the week on all roads within this area. Small piles can be put into the brown yard waste container or leaves can be bagged and will be picked up on your normal trash day by Team Waste.
We ask for your continued patience as we attempt to continue to provide essential services to Lakeland residents in the midst of this latest wave of the pandemic.