A patriotic sea of red and blue greeted family and guests at the first Veterans Day program at LMPS (Lakeland Middle Preparatory School) this morning (11.10.17)
Students from fifth to eighth grade, including 180 red-clad fifth graders who sang two songs, participated in the salute to military members, past and present.
The middle school opened this school year for grades five through eight. Lakeland Elementary School (LES) serves pre-kindergarden through fourth grade.
Band and chorus members were dressed in their blue uniform shirts as they performed several numbers for the crowd seated in the bleachers in the school gym.

Seventh grade math and science teacher Leann Albert coordinated the program which featured her father, MCPO Tom Albert, U.S. Navy retired, as the guest speaker.

Mr. Albert served in the Navy 30 years including two Gulf deployments as well as a tour to Iceland. He retired in 2012 and now works for the Department of the Navy in Millington as a program analyst.
He spoke of Tennesseans who have served in the military from World War II to the Gulf wars and noted how salaries and benefits have improved over the years. “But even with the changes, they face the same challenges and struggles they faced over the years,” he said. Mr. Albert asked for a show of hands of those who have family serving in the military and thanked them for their service.

“I make a challenge to you. Every day that you see an old sailor or Marine or a bumper sticker (about military service), thank them for their service. Because of them, you have the rights and freedoms you enjoy today.”
Matt Adler, LMPS principal, introduced visitors including Dr. Ted Horrell, Lakeland School System superintendent, as well as attending Lakeland School Board members and the Lakeland Board of Commissioners.
He introduced grade-level representatives of the LMPS Student Council: Philip Dotson, eighth grade; Morgan Baker, seventh grade; Chloe Wright, sixth grade; and Preston Bower, fifth grade. These four students led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The LMPS choir, under the direction of Tonya Miller, performed the Star Spangled Banner and was followed by brief remarks by Dr. Horrell.
Ms. Miller and Band Director Anneliese Land directed the fifth graders who sang a Schoolhouse Rock version of The Preamble as well as “Fifty Nifty States” complete with signs for each of the United States. Eighth grade student Ellen Ouyang introduced the Concert Band which played a “Tribute for Band” followed the Orchestra/Strings performing ‘Honor and Glory” and directed by Paula Turner.

The final musical presentation of the program was the band playing the “Armed Forces Medley” as Mr. Adler asked veterans of each branch of the military to stand and be recognized during their song.
LES had two programs yesterday honoring veterans: A 9:30 a.m. program featuring grades two through four and a mid-day program for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade.
Link to photo album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Fp0dyAxlpP5qd9ks2 Photos by Jim Willis, Lakeland Currents.