By Commissioner Michele Dial

Calling all Lakeland 2020 High School Graduates!
If you live in Lakeland and have recently graduated from high school, private and public, listen up!
Our city would like to honor you for your accomplishment! Once we know how many graduates want to participate, a time capsule of the appropriate size will be purchased. We want you each to contribute something specific that you’d like preserved as a memory of the 2020 conundrum called Corona!
Every graduate, regardless of participation with the time capsule, will have his/her name engraved on a plaque in your honor. The Parks and Rec department will decide on a place to bury the capsule, to be opened in 20 years.
We’d also like to sell brick pavers to surround the area, as well as purchase a bench to place over the burial spot. A generous donation of $600 has already been pledged by Vice Mayor Josh Roman, in honor of his nephew, Henry Richarde, a 2020 graduate.
The first step is to get us your name and let us know if you want to participate in the time capsule and engraved brick paver purchase! The deadline is Friday, June 19th.
You will then receive an email with steps to follow when choosing an item to contribute. There are things to consider with size and the best preservation in mind.
I want us to include everyone, so spread the word, Lakeland honored seniors. You’ve all been through so much and deserve this recognition! Just think how fun it will be to have a spot #justforyouclassof2020 and to look forward to a gathering in your future reflecting on your graduation!
Email me at
(During the May 7th Board of Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Dial suggested recognizing Lakeland senior high school students who had their school year shortened and memories dashed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. She suggested a time capsule to be filled with memories of all the students to be buried at a city park or City Hall.)