Home LMPS Time for an LMPS Virtual Parade

Time for an LMPS Virtual Parade

The Lakeland Middle Preparatory School (LMPS) staff and faculty posted a Virtual Parade this morning (4.10.20) complete with marching, drums, trumpet playing and a bit of song.

The four-minute video opens with Matt Adler, LMPS principal, telling students they are missed and wishing them well.  “We sure do miss you. We look forward to seeing you as soon as we can.  Until then, stay well.  We love you.”  Honk honk.

Students are “Safer at Home” during COVID-19.

Link to video: https://www.facebook.com/LMPSLions/videos/302303517416771/

LES (Lakeland Elementary School) posted their Virtual Parade Monday.  https://lakelandcurrents.com/les-misses-their-lions-produces-a-virtual-parade-for-students/