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Thomas Cothren Explains the Differences Between Mental Wellness and Mental Health

Thomas Cothren Fresh Start

Thomas Cothren works with individuals suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues and is passionate about seeing his clients improve. In the following article, Thomas Cothren explains the important difference between mental wellness and mental health.

For many people, the terms “mental wellness” and “mental health” are used almost interchangeably. However, while they may seem similar on the surface, these two terms refer to significantly different concepts that should not be confused with one another.

Thomas Cothren of Maryland provides in the article below an in-depth explanation of the differences between these two concepts, and why these differences are so important to understand.

Thomas Cothren on The Difference in Perception

Thomas Cothren of Maryland says that one of the key differences between mental wellness and mental health is their respective definitions in the general public perception. Mental wellness is primarily understood as a state of well-being, which involves emotional and psychological health. In other words, individuals with healthy mental wellness generally feel happy and content with their lives, both emotionally and socially.

On the other hand, mental health is understood as the absence of mental illness or pathological behavior. Thomas Cothren of Maryland explains that this definition emphasizes the importance of diagnosing and treating symptoms that may indicate a potential issue with an individual’s psychological functioning, such as anxiety, depression, psychosis, etc.

The Difference in Treatment

Thomas Cothren of New York explains that another key difference between mental wellness and mental health is the way that they are treated. Mental wellness typically focuses on improving overall well-being, including emotional and psychological functioning, through methods like stress management techniques, mindfulness practices, or social activities.

Conversely, treatment for mental health problems usually involves a combination of psychotherapy and medication to improve symptoms related to mental illness. For example, those who suffer from depression may be prescribed antidepressant medication to help alleviate their symptoms, while those struggling with anxiety may benefit from talk therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

The Difference in Diagnosis

Perhaps the largest difference between psychological wellness and health is in their respective diagnoses. Thomas Cothren reports that individuals who are diagnosed with a mental illness are typically analyzed based on their symptoms, as indicated by certain validated psychological tests or clinical interviews.

In contrast, Thomas Cothren previously with Fresh Start says that individuals who have good mental wellness but may be struggling with other aspects of life—such as a job loss or the death of a loved one—are typically not diagnosed with any mental illness or psychosis.

Rather, individuals who are struggling in certain areas may be recommended for counseling or therapy to help them address these issues, but they would not be considered mentally ill based on their symptoms alone.

Thomas Cothren Maryland 
Improving Mental Wellness and Mental Health Simultaneously

Thomas Cothren formerly of Fresh Start says that it is important to note that mental wellness and mental health are not mutually exclusive. In fact, the two concepts often overlap and can even be improved simultaneously through a combination of healthy lifestyle changes and targeted treatment for specific conditions.

Thomas Cothren of Maryland says that this holistic approach can help individuals improve their overall mental well-being, while also treating any underlying issues that may be causing concern. This allows patients to experience more balanced mind, and to take control of their well-being in a meaningful way.

The Complex Interrelation of Mental Wellness and Mental Health

Thomas Cothren of New York says that another important question to consider is whether or not mental wellness and mental health are interrelated. While the answer to this question is somewhat complex, it appears that those with poor mental health are more likely to experience poor mental well-being as well.

For example, individuals with depression often struggle with feelings of low self-worth, hopelessness, and negative thoughts about themselves and the world around them. These feelings may lead to further symptoms of depression, such as social isolation or physical health problems.

Similarly, individuals with anxiety may experience high levels of stress and tension in their everyday lives, which can severely impact their overall well-being both physically and emotionally. This also increases their risk of experiencing additional symptoms, such as insomnia or irritability.

Final Thoughts

With mental health becoming increasingly important in today’s society, it is crucial that we continue to discuss the differences between mental wellness and mental health. By understanding these concepts and seeking help when needed, we can all improve our own mental well-being and mental health—and support others who may be struggling as well.