Home Local News Senator Taylor Speaks To Lakeland Chamber. Addresses Memphis Crime.

Senator Taylor Speaks To Lakeland Chamber. Addresses Memphis Crime.

Tennessee Senator Brent Taylor addressing the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce on July 26, 2024, at Lakeland Golf Club. Image courtesy Wesley Wright.

In front of a large crowd at Lakeland Golf Club on Wednesday, June 26, Tennessee State Senator Brent Taylor captivated attendees with a summary of his recent efforts in Nashville to address crime in Memphis. Rising crime and bail reform were the focal points of the four measures he highlighted as part of his mission to improve conditions for Memphis and the surrounding areas.

“We’ve got to make crime illegal again,” Taylor stated as he discussed his current efforts to have the Shelby County District Attorney, Steve Mulroy, removed from office. Addressing critics who claim his measure is unconstitutional, Taylor clarified that the removal of judges and district attorneys is, in fact, permitted by the Tennessee constitution.

Senator Taylor also emphasized the socio-economic backbone of Memphis is its businesses and their employees but many established local restaurants have closed over the past few years. While some closures can be attributed to COVID-19 restrictions and their lingering effects, Taylor noted that crime has been on the rise for well over a year and that also plays a role in the closings. Business owners have linked their losses to incidents such as broken car windows, stolen vehicles, and shootings. The general public’s lack of confidence in safely shopping or dining out has led many in the Mid-South to not “renew their subscription,” as Taylor phrased it.

Taylor concluded his speech with a Q&A session, engaging with a very receptive audience. It’s clear that he remains steadfast in his mission to make the Memphis area safe again.