By Teresa Henry, Lakeland School Board member
The Lakeland School Board (LSB) was in Nashville Monday (2.12.18) and Tuesday for the annual TSBA (Tennessee School Board Association) Day on the Hill.
Monday afternoon we met with Ben Torres, TSBA deputy general counsel and director of government relations, for a legislative briefing of educational bills that have been filed as well as how they would effect school districts.
Lt. Governor Rand McNally and Speaker of the House Representative Beth Harwell spoke Tuesday morning at the TSBA breakfast.

We were able to meet with several senators and representatives during the day. We shared the accomplishments and challenges that our district faces. We let them know how we would like them to vote on pieces of legislation that would help or hinder us making our district even better. Many of them acknowledged the accomplishments that our children made on the TNReady test this past year.

Here is a link of the LSS legislative agenda that we shared when we met with Sen. Dolores Gresham, Sen. Janice Bowling, Rep. Harry Brooks, Rep. Joe Pitts, Sen. Mark Norris, and Rep. Ron Lollar.
Here is a link to all the legislators in the State of Tennessee. https://www.capitol.tn.gov/directory/If you would like to contact your local legislators here is their contact information.
Rep. Ron Lollar
425 5th Avenue North
Suite 402 Cordell Hull Bldg.
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: (615) 741-7084
Fax: (615) 253-0294
Sen. Mark Norris
425 5th Avenue North
Suite 702 Cordell Hull Bldg.
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: (615) 741-1967
Fax: (615) 253-0194
The Tennessee General Assembly meets in Nashville each year beginning at noon on the second Tuesday of January. Each General Assembly meets 90 session days over a two-year period. Generally, legislative sessions last from mid-January through late April or May of each year.
… Photos courtesy of LSB.