Home Board Members Parks and Recreation Board February Meeting Results

Parks and Recreation Board February Meeting Results

By André Nolan, P & R Board member

Andre’ Nolan, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board member

The Lakeland Municipal Parks and Recreation/Natural Resources Advisory Board met Feb. 13 at City Hall.

Link to agenda: https://tn-lakeland.civicplus.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/746

Zadie E. Kuehl Memorial Park.

No reports to SCSO (Shelby County Sheriff’s Office) and no unusual trash or vandalism.

Oak Ridge Park

The split rail fence has been installed to keep motorized vehicles out of the park.

IH Park

The recycle cans were installed in late December.   They are made from recycled material and look great.

There was a problem with an ATV using the trails at IH Park.  If anyone sees a motorized vehicle in a city park, please call SCSO.  The Parks Department is looking at ways of preventing this with better signage and restricting access to the trails.  The problem with the latter is if you restrict it too much it makes it harder for the legitimate users.

Solitude Lake Management tested the lake this month.   The Department will receive a report and recommendation list.

Two Eagle Scout projects have been approved: one to upgrade the bulletin board and the other to create a path between the lower gravel lot and the upper paved lot.

No unusual activity or trash was reported at any City Park.


Youth Basketball Martin Luther King Day was the annual Grizzlies day.   They were not able to play a game at half time like last year due to all the extra activities.   On the flip side they got to see a much better game and it was enjoyed by all.

Grades 5 and 6 finished this weekend.

Grades 9 and 10 and 11-14 go into playoffs over the next few weeks.

The Department also hopes to increase its offering for competitive basketball based on the success of the current grades 3–5 offering.  This team is really enjoying the increased competitiveness of the games at this level.

Youth Football

There are plans to forgo our spring season and combine it with the school.  If there was demand for a program the Department will create teams.

Tennis Winter Program

Thirteen kids signed up for the program run by David Degutis.   He plans spring and summer programs.

Athletic Complex

A2H and Kevin Rooney (Parks and Recreation director) have been moving forward with the LPRF (Local Parks and Recreation Fund) application, Kevin will be reaching out to HOAs, churches and civic groups to conduct meetings with them with regards to the grant application.  One public meeting will also be necessary.

The matter goes before the Board at the March meeting.

Senior Center.

Attendance at the Lakeland Senior Center for January was down due to the cold temps and winter weather.

The Valentines Dinner was on February 14th.

A representative of State of Tennessee Commerce and Insurance will speak to seniors Feb. 22 about fraud, scams and protecting their identity.

“Going Green Dinner” is March 9th sponsored by Trustmark Bank with a grand prize by Pop-a-Lock.

Arts and craft classes instructed by local artists who volunteer their time and materials are also to be added following the success of a recent class.