The Motel 6 at 9822 Huff N Puff Rd in Lakeland is apparently a thing of the past.
But not so fast.
A Motel 6 spokesperson, Henry Patel, says it will become an Econo Lodge in its next life.
Today (4.1.18), the two Motel 6 signs were covered, although the property still has customers. Mr. Patel told Lakeland Currents the Motel will continue to operate as Quantum while it undergoes a renovation.

Within five to six months, he said, the Motel 6 which has been in Lakeland longer than there has been a Lakeland, will become Econo Lodge. The Motel was built in 1973 before Lakeland incorporated in 1977.

Over recent months, the property owner has come before the Municipal Planning Commission/Design Review Commission (MPC/DRC) for code violations.
Link to story from March MPC/DRC meeting: . The property has also been in Shelby County Environmental Court.
Just last Thursday there was a drug bust at the Motel involving 22 teenagers ranging in age from 14 to 19. Link to story:
… Photos by Lakeland Currents.