Among the many agenda items at the Board of Commissioners Meeting last night, January 12, 2023, was the selection of Vice-Mayor and liaisons for the array of municipal boards that the Board of Commissioners serve. Commissioner Wesley Wright, who has served almost 6 years in Lakeland, was voted Vice Mayor of Lakeland receiving four votes while Connie McCarter voted “present”. Following that position, liaisons were chosen, and each member of the BOC was given one or two boards to serve.
- Mayor Josh Roman will now serve on the Industrial Development Board (IDB) which was recently altered to no longer include the Economic Development Commission (EDC) which serves similar functions.
- Commissioner Michele Dial remains as liaison for the Parks and Rec Board and Community Advisory Board which she created in 2018.
- Commissioner Jim Atkinson will continue serving the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) and the Design Review Commission (DRC).
- Newly appointed Commissioner Connie McCarter accepted the role as liaison for the relatively new PULSE Comprehensive Plan Board which is instrumental in the ongoing vision plan for the City of Lakeland.
- Vice-Mayor Wesley Wright will continue serving on the Board of Appeals and will serve on the newly created role as liaison with the Board of Education. This role, along with Mayor Roman’s liaison with the IDB, is a non-voting role, but will help open up strong channels of communication which was a topic of discussion at the meeting.