Thankfully, crime has never been a huge factor in the City of Lakeland. As a matter of fact, the most recent Sherriff’s Crime report showed a downtick in criminal activity from the same time last year. This is probably due in some part to the installation of Flock security cameras.
Another proactive avenue for preventing crime is the Neighborhood Watch program. While many neighborhoods throughout the City have these in place, former Lakeland Mayor Jim Bomprezzi is making a push to bring these programs to the forefront. Mr. Bomprezzi’s background as a law enforcement officer lends personal experience to the efficiency of the program. Mr. Bomprezzi told Lakeland Currents, “Without citizen involvement and witnessing criminal activity, law enforcement cannot in most cases effectively collect evidence, identify, apprehend, and prosecute criminal offenders.”

Mr. Bomprezzi is making a push through the local Board of Commissioners to actively pursue involvement in our City. City Manager Shane Horn confirmed that $12,000 has been set aside for the 2021-22 fiscal year in support of existing and new neighborhood watch areas. Mr. Horn says that details are still being worked out and Commissioner Gonzales has been designated to work on the initiative.
Mr. Bomprezzi says he would like to see an annual city wide crime prevention and Neighborhood Watch event with children rides, food, music and police canine demonstrations, etc.